Windowizer without window frames?
Hi all,
I am trying to divide surfaces in rows and columns but without window framing.
If I put all the framing sizes to 0 in the windowizer panel,it still shows (a minimal) frame.
How can I overcome this?Is there a ruby I am missing?
Thank you in advance
Hi kwist,
I'm not sure what exactly you are after but how about just arraying edges horizontally and vertically to divide a face?
Thanks Gaieus for your answer.
I ended up doing it that way (array some lines horizontally and vertically).
Since I have complex surfaces (non quadrangular) to 'array', I thought a plugin might be useful.
Actually, what I need is the ability to draw a complex grid and project it to surfaces ....
The grid is somewhat irrecgular , following a rythm (e.g AABA ABBA AABA etc...) and shifted per row.I never used the 'projection tools', but can I use it for that?
@kwistenbiebel said:
....I never used the 'projection tools', but can I use it for that?
Hi kwist,
The 'Drape' tool will "drop" a selection onto a surface. But it will only work verticaly meaning you need to temporarily rotate the things you are working on.
Note that the 'Drape' tool drapes on multiple connected faces/surfaces above each other.On the other hand there are some ruby scripts that you can apply for this job.
One is called: with its own toolbar.
Or an older one that works with projecting faces (not 'stand alone' edges): project_faces_plane.rb
(Both from Didier Bur)Success,
Wo3Dan -
@kwistenbiebel said:
I never used the 'projection tools', but can I use it for that?
@wo3dan said:
On the other hand there are some ruby scripts that you can apply for this job.
One is called: with its own toolbar.
Or an older one that works with projecting faces (not 'stand alone' edges): project_faces_plane.rb
(Both from Didier Bur)Yup, these should do the job perfectly.