Sketchup 3D
I've been experimenting with 3D Images from Sketchup and I couldn't find a thread so I thought I'd start one.
Sketchup is a 3D modeller for a 3D world so maybe we should start exploring the possiblities for viewing in 3D. It would be great if Sketchup could export Left and Right Anaglyphic images as part of its export options, then we could create 3D images as attached.
(you will need Red/Cyan 3d Glasses to see the effect)
Also take a look at you can walk around your Sketchup Scene in 3D!
it's an amazing effect.
I've actually have been thinking about this for a while. There are even simple and free littleapps that make these 3D images from two photos you make by simply dollying the camera about 2-3 inches (6-7 cms): the distance of human eye.
It shouldn't be too hard to write a plugin which creates two scenes according to this then export the two images and put them together in an external app (like you do with the CubicPanoOut > GoCubic workflow for QT Panoramas).
I'll once try this Walkabout out too (well anyway, I'll most probably have a suitable project for it when building some environment for kids who I'm sure would enjoy it very much).
I remember having tries some books with this in it with a title: (I can't remember the other word and whether it came before or after) magick. and it formed 3d images when you stared at it and let your eyes drift apart rather than cross them. This was more relaxing to view the images than crossing, but it was harder to get the hang of. it would be really cool if you could make images like this with a plugin in sketchup...
There's a plugin from Smustard called Stereo that will generate the two cameras required for making stereo images. I haven't tried it but I've been thinking about it. I figure one could use an old stereo viewer or you can buy new ones and print off the images. Imagine doing a pair of rendered images that way.
I have a stereo adaptor for my 35mm camera that makes stereo images in the same double frame (24x36mm) and a viewer to accept the slides. I wish I could use that viewer for SketchUp images but I don't want to shoot slides of my drawings.
Dave, I did indeed use the Smustard Stereo plugin, as you say this outputs a Left and Right image which can then be used to create an Anaglyph image.
The software I used to create the image was Anaglyph Maker V1.08 by Yakashi Sekitani available at:
Its an easy process to create the image, but it does need Red/Cyan 3D glasses to see the full effect and this does affect the colour balance of the scene.
Just a thought, after looking at: it seems this system can create a moving 3D stereo image from existing PC games such as MS Flight Sim, I wonder if it could create a 3D walkthrough from the scene transitions in Sketchup?
Are there any SketchUpers out there who have this new Gizmo and can test this out and report back?
3D vision can be used in a lot of fields. Stereophotography gives us the third dimension feeling. Good idea to apply it to SketchUp...
At this time after having experience anaglyphics pictures ( thoses red /blue ), I m looking for Chromadepth process. This is an extension of the anaglyph technic
based on depth feeling given by spectrum colors. This is used for GIS for a better understanding of maps... more confortable for the eyes than the old Red/Blue
glasses.But I encounter a small problem : how to get just one pair of glasses ChromoDepth ( registred ). May be we could purchased together ...
find : ChromaDepth on the net
- topic:timeago-later,2 years
Does anyone know if the stereo plugin works in 2 point perspective or if this is possible? I have have tried stereo_pan.rb which works great in a standard view but does not work in 2 point perspective - I assume there is some simple technical reason why this cannot happen but I have not yet thought of it.
Thanks in advance