DoubleCAD XT, free commercial use 2D detailing app.
Got it. Our ISP wasn't letting it thru.
I got the email in a couple of minutes though just downloading now as it was at work (and now I'm at home). Hopefully the activation codes will work and I wasn't among those "early ones"
@unknownuser said:
Hopefully the activation codes will work and I wasn't among those "early ones"
Hm... It seems that I'll need to send you an email, William (again)
Goodbye Autodesk, I'd like to say it's been fun, but in reality..........
Thanks, looks great wmanning, what we have all been waiting for!!!
Interestingly this is produced by IMSI? So what happens to Turbocad, Designcad, etc?
I was also an early one who got a wrong activation code
Gaieus, PeterCharles, good activation codes are in your inboxes. Thanks for jumping on this, and sorry again about the bumpy start.
Linea, thanks for the good feedback. TurboCAD and DesignCAD really get to continue on in their own way. DesignCAD is a great value 3D application for general CAD that has its own strong following. TurboCAD will actually benefit quite a bit from DoubleCAD. They both share a code base, but are designed for different audiences and purposes. A lot of the improvements we've been making in 2D will find their way into TurboCAD making it stronger and more stable, but it will have its own UI, no command line, and be a 3D general purpose CAD application.
DoubleCAD has really been designed for 2D drafting and detailing, and we feel there is a lot more we can do with that before we need to have it go head to head with TurboCAD, AutoCAD or other 3D apps. It should make a good secondary seat as a companion to SketchUp or AutoCAD. With the Pro version, a good companion to a wide variety of MCAD apps too.
It seems that a lot of the market had focused on 3D, and 2D improvements tended to be found only in expensive, more complex BIM oriented applications. So a professional 2D space seemed neglected.
I've now got a good activation code thank you.
Have tried it with some standard DWG's, so far so good. -
Wow, I'm a third year student and was about to finally and unwillingly get to grips with autodesk autocad 08 - this appears to be the perfect alternative however + it's free. On first impressions I must say that the documentation provided looks fantastic and I might just be able to become a 2d drafting master sooner than I thought. The interface, though similar to autocad, is also much more user friendly and far more clutter-free. The startup styles are also a nice addition. I am carrying out a measured drawing of a difficult palladian style building at the moment and intend to wholly use Doublecad for the project now. Thank you wmanning!
@wmanning said:
Gaieus, PeterCharles, good activation codes are in your inboxes. Thanks for jumping on this, and sorry again about the bumpy start.
Thanks William, as I wrote in the PM, it works just fine now!
This is exactly what I've been looking for for sooooo long! Thank you for this great release. The only thing I'm missing is perpendicular snapping. But that must be because I haven't found out how to activate it yet, right???
Hi wmanning
Like Gaius and PeterCharles, I've encounter some difficulties during the activation.I downloaded the program as far as the thread was published.
Thanks you for help (to get a working activation code)MALAISE
Dear wmanning,
I am a long time user of Autocad and ArchiCAD, and I decided to give doublecad a go. Imagine my wonder when I saw all the tools from autocad, paired with the edit functions of archiCAD!!Yesterday I was like... OMG OMG OMG this is too good to be true.
This program is truly something, and I am going to use it a lot for my 2D drafting.
A piece of advice would be to localize it in Italian... you would have an enourmous return on investment for an Italian version: you just can't imagine how much a free (or even a pro) tool like this is needed in a lot of design firms!
Nice Job, really!
Theres a glowing review if i've ever heard one.
@2kemen, have you tried the perpendicular line tool? You don't even need a snap. I don't have the product in front of me now, but if you go ask on the I'm sure somebody there could help you with specifics.
@Broomstick: grazie! Vorrei fare una versione italiano. I believe we probably will have localized versions, but it may not be for 2-3 quarters. Really glad to hear you're liking it.
The app is still far from perfect, so when you find things, let us know what we need to work on!
Hi William, firstly I just want to say....
I am so stoked that there is finally a real free alternative to the "Autocrash" monopoly. I use autocad at work and have, until now, not found a viable alternative to use at home. I do however have 1 issue that I have come across.
A 6mb floor plan (.dwg) that I opened on DoubleCAD runs a fair bit slower on my machine at home compared to my machine at work. The specs are virtually identical btw. The problem is that panning and zooming is very "choppy" and not smooth as it is on ACAD. Is there any way that I can rectify this? Is it a opengl issue or/and is there and opengl display setting to tweak etc?FYI the machine specs are basically as follows:
Intel Dual Core 3ghz
2GB Ram
Nvidia Geforce 7600 256mb ram
WinXP 32bitThanks for any help you can offer.
Dazza, glad you're stoked! It's nice to get the positive feedback after almost a year in the labs...
Your problem is a bit of a mystery to me. If both machines are similar specs, my guesses would be that one has had different updates, a different configuration, or is competing with a different set of open applications. You might want to check for a video driver update.
I'll ask some of the guys at work that know the app better than me... Mauritz, our CTO sometimes visits SCF, he might have a good suggestion.
Thanks, I really appreciate it.
I have been using DCAD all evening (Sat evening and working -) and the only problem I have come across so far is the frustration of panning as mentioned.
I have checked and my drivers are all up to date and I've only had DCAD open. I also want to clarify, both machines have the mentioned problems panning when I run DCAD!?!OH, a quick question, is it possible to import ACAD plotstyle .ctb files directly into DCAD? I know I could always set up my own styles from scratch again but was just hoping that there would be an import to bypass that.
I'll just add that the more I "play" around with DCAD the more cool little features I'm coming across that really rock.
Dazza, that isn't a good a Saturday night at all! But I can relate. Regarding the panning I'm still waiting to hear from colleagues. Regarding plot styles, I think we're somewhat weak there, but here I have to confess my ignorance. I'm not the expert on this product that my colleagues are. I'll pass ono your question, or try
@ Malaise and PeterCharles, I apologize for delays. I thought I'd sent you codes but hadn't seen the message in my sent box. I saw you're up and running Peter, so Malaise, if you still didn't get anything email me at wmanning @
-- William
Thank you for the software. I appreciate a genuine approach to an user since an installation started. It is quite unusual that program informs that will create temp files or that allows users to specify different folders locations. It can look complicated for a simple user, but this 'transparency' it was a good sign for me.
The interface looks clean and I have loaded a big SU model, to see if it will kill the DoubleCad XT Free. It didn't!
I am also happy that you are really interested what our feedback is. I think this kind of approach is what we enjoyed when '@Last' was owning the SketchUp.
Keep up good work! Will do some more tests - have to find really heavy model
William, thank you for this, I think. I signed up for the download 45 minutes or so ago. Hopefully the expected e-mail will come soon.
Dave if you can't find the email in your spam filter than it's been intercepted somewhere along the way... The email is automated, so should be sent in "nanoseconds" -- then again it is a Windows server... Let me know if you can't find it and I'll try to get it pushed to you again (or you could try again with a different email).
-- William