SU version compatibility
Hello All,
I have created a bunch of models in SU 6.XX. I need to take a look at a model that was created in SU 7.XX and must acquire 7.XX in order to do so. When I get get v.7.XX will I still be able to look at my models I created with 6.XX?
Jeff Olson
yes, you can open SU6 files in SU7. You wont be able to open SU7 files in SU6 though.
Thank you Remus! Time for me to update to SU 7.XX.
Jeff Olson
Im not sure if this will be of any use to you, but by default SU7 doesnt replace SU6 when you install it (i.e. they run along side each other.) Can be useful if your trying to work out whether you prefer SU7.
Also, if in SU 7 you go to File> Save as... you can save it in SU 6 format to make it sure that you (or any colleague / client still using SU 6) can open it. Apart fom dynamic components (which degrade gracefully into "normal" components in SU 6), everything will work properly.