Material Context Menu "Area" and "Select" disabled
I just noticed that when I right click on a material in the material list, the Area and Select command is disabled. At least for new materials I create. Some models with old material still work.
This happens in SU7.
When I try with SU6 it works as expected on all materials.I've attached a sample file. The material "ARC Logo" works fine, but for the other two I can't right-click and click Area.
Hi Tom,
They seem to be simple colours only - unkike the logo image. Also when you go to the Edit tab, image textures have a scale while colours don't. Might this be associated with this?
Well, if it works differently in SU 6 and you consider this a bug (why not?) it is called a "New in SU 7 bug" (just for the future )
I just noticed it only affects plain colour materials (materials with materialType = 0) Textured, and coloured textured (materialType 1 and 2) works fine as expected.
In SU6 it works fine for all types materials. So this is new to SU7 and I really do not see how this can be a "feature". I claim this a bug.
Ehm... I didn't say "feature" anywhere. I said "(...for the) future".
I know. It's just that I was thinking of the PhotoMatch "feature" where when you project textures to the model, objects in front masks the texture. I thought that was a bug as well. But it turned out to be a new feature.
Ah, all right. I know what you mean.
I do have a bad tendency to leave out a few chains of thoughts when I express myself...