How to make this into a log cabin
I agree about the short pieces.
1.) For this model, all you really need to use is the move tool, select tool, and rotation tool(Just FYI, you will probably find it easier to rotate a group with the move tool. The rotate tool can be a little confusing at first)
2.) You may need to group(Right Click->Make Group) un-group(Right Click->Explode) there is no need to make a component, FenS has already done that.
*One Warning though when using the move tool, do not push Control or you will make a copy, if you do by accident, just push Control again and the little "+" sign will disappear.
Hopefully with your experience, you can help us put this puzzle together.
Something isn't right with the logs he gave in his file, there are to many cut-outs. he wrote the cabin will be 4mx8m, but i can't get an 8m long wall without holes in the middle of the wall.
Somewhere there lies the problem,
i am almost certain that the pieces i have drawn are correct and measured correctly (i really have lifted every beam myself and measured it (each of them waying a lot!)),
but indeed, if you try to make a cabin of 4x8 meters, then somewhere along the way it goes wrong. However, if you only make a cabin of 4x4 meters, then you have so many left, that i am thinking that an extra room should be there (or we really do have some mixture of 2 cabins?).BTW, I have tried to find the picture with the numbers that were still readable, but haven't found it, i might still have one at work, if so, i will post it tomorrow.
I once made an effort in creating a 4x8 cabin and actually thought it was a good one, but when i tried it on a next trip to Bosnia i found out i missed a spot somewhere so that one was not possible also, I will try to make this one in SU and post it, maybe this give someone an idea..
Here is attempt #2.
I think balk06 should be a rafter, but the notch does not seem right.
Perhaps you have the notch incorrectly modeled?I have enjoyed the challenge so far
Nice improvement, you have some good ideas in there.DesignerGay,
I think what we have here is a hodgepodge of cabin parts. I am going to start a new plan that will involve modifying some of the parts(as little as possible). But this way FenS can use every timber he has available.PS: go to ( Window -> Outliner ) there you can browse all the comp/groups in the model. <balk 9> makes a nice 4m x 4m square.
Hi All,
in Holland it is midnight right now so i really have to go to bed, but i am so happy that you enjoy working on this problem! This is really helping me a lot (and keeping all the wood from going into the fireplace
I will take a look at the new skp you have posted just now, but will insert mine also.
I am not that good in moving yet so the parts do not really touch everywhere, but i think you will understand what i was trying back then.
The first three layers are for making the fundamentals,
In layer 4 i used beam 4 and opposite of that i used beam 9.
In layer 5 i used beam 9 and 4 on one side and opposite of that i did the same.
In layer 6 i turned around what i did in layer 4 (beam 9 and 4)
in layer 7 i turned around what i did in layer 5 (beam 4 and 9)
and then i repeated layer 4, 5, 6, 7 several times.
(in this skp i did not move the parts, i sometimes copied them so the leftovers are not correct).
In this 'solution' i would have to cut some beams (for instance the pile of beams sticking out and the overlap between beam 4 and 9.
(i can't remember what exactly, but there was something wrong about this solution which made me stop back then but i'm too tired right now to see what it was).
Thanks again for your support!
Well, i have taken a look at an old excel-sheet i made with some caracteristics of the wood, but that was not really helpful (i tried to read the numbers on the logs, but i did not have the time to move the logs themselves, so i did not know which number corresponded with which log).
However, these are the only (strange to me) numbers i could read back than and wrote down:
C2-31 or C23-1?
B231All the labels (i don't know if this is helpful) were nailed into the log on a side which did not started with a gap, except for B23, that one was nailed to the side with a gap. (and unfortunately i did not write anything for B214 so that (and all the other beams are a mystery)
Hi I've been looking at this for a couple of days now and it just occurred to me that if you cut the ends of the wall bauks from the end through the locking whole and on for another foot vertically and did the same to another but opposite then you could join two wall bauks and lock them together with the little blue ones, the same as you would with square timber.this is so simple it may have already have been brought up if not it adds a great deal to flexibility of design I'll try to add an attachment to show you what I mean but I'm new to all this so I may not have success.try
Hi Anthony,
i emidately downloaded your test.skp and wow!
Nope, never thought of this and this might just be an extra feature that we might need!
In the past replies we recieved a lot of good options and if i have some more time to spare, i will combine all these options and hope to come up with (maybe not the initally intended log cabin) a cabin that might be an option.
This joint is something i didn't think of (i was thinking of cutting it in the middle of the gap and also using the blue ones.
The results might be the same but in your case it is not possible to move them anymore so probably a much better way.
Thanks! -
Back Again I've been playing around with your logs and you may get some ideas from where I'm going with it, bear in mind i'm not a builder and I may run out of wood. All the wood thats there is whats left for me to play with except the one at the far end that I cut up to show you that if you make cuts in the right places and place the doors and window in certen places you can gane extra walls. however I don"t know if all the logs are of the same diametre. have a look anyway.
Hi Anthony,
really impressive!
I think this really is the way we should be thinking!
(ofcourse this is with cutting the wood, the other solutions did not yet involve cutting, but in this way we could be getting the bigger house and if that involves cutting, i think this is what we should do.
I will also keep on thinking about these solutions,
thanks again!
(ofcourse thanks to everybody who is involved with this puzzle right now
(and indeed, all the logs are in the same diametre) -
Hi Fred
I've decided to drop this design and start again the amount of red Bauks I have left leads me to think there's an extra outer small room or porch because of the two small bauks with 3 cutaways in them. I do believe that the builder is intended to make quite an number of cuts to the timber and the secret to this cabin will be in the amount of wast left over. however I'm happy now to know that there is enough timbre to make an entire cabin so I think it's complete minus the roof Because there is no actual roofing material and the type of roof is left up to the builder which is good because there are lots of different types of roofing ( While I'm on the subject of roof its also occurred to me that the heavy bauk ceiling beams may be for a second flore loft and the little window is for up there that is of course with a high pitched roof). Im trying to look at this as a classy little cabin and no log is sacred.
Hi Anthony,
I am not that familiar with counting in SU yet so i had just printed your design and was counting the beams in the different walls to be sure how many leftovers there were.
I also was supprised about the amount of leftovers and was also going to think about what we could do with that. (but was wondering if that was really leftover or that you copied some beams instead of moving?)
for the people working in the shelter, i think a loft maybe would not really be suitable (carrying stuff up a stairs) so maybe an extra small room would be better (we have enough space in the shelter to find a place)
Really glad you are helping!
Hi Fred
Still can't think of how those multi notched bauks fit into the cabin but I had a little fun trying to get the biggest cabin I could with the available wood I had to add a couple of windows a concrete floor with a concrete rise that comes up the height of one bauk and of course there's no roof but its been fun pushing the brain around a bit.
I think I recall you said that animals would be kept in this cabin that's why I went for a concrete floor and riser so it would be easy to clean and more hygienic.
Have you found out any more about where or what country it was made in.
I've been looking around a bit and I saw a picture of a cabin that looked a good fit but there were no plans.I'm new to skechup so this has been great for learning about groups and groups within groups and a lot of other features.
Hi Anthony,
ofcourse i emidiately downloaded your skp and wow again!
I still really appreciate all the help i already got from all the other sketchers, but i think we are going to call the cabin 'the Anthony'We are the benches? Oh, in the Anthony!
This really looks great. And yes, we are probably going to keep some animals in the cabin, but that will be after castration/sterilisation and then they will be in benches recovering from anesthecia.
However, i think a concrete floor will be a good solution and in this case we can tell people to create a floor of the correct size so if we go there, we can built the cabin.By the way,
are all the bauks outside the cabin really the leftovers that we can still use? (keeps me from counting all the beaks in the cabin itself and trying to find some proper use for them.Oh yeah, the multi notched bauks normally (another volunteer said so) would be used as the second layer, for instance on top of balk-13.
That would be the case if you would use balk-09 as ground-beaks.
(see my very first picture in this thread on page 1, in that picture i forgot balk-13, but use balk-09 as ground beaks with a multi notched bauks on top of that).And if we have all these blue bauks left, then we could use some of them like Ross did in his previous drawing so they support the roof.
Yep, really happy!
Hi Fred
Yes all the peaces left stacked are the left overs except the green one and the two light blue ones at the far end they are there just to represent that the two light blue ones can be joined to make one green however I'm sure that a better join could easily be made.You said that some of the bauks have holes in them could you be more specific it may give more of a hint as to what they should be used for.
The more I look at the available wood the more convinced I am that there's a second even if we find the right way it may not be the way you finally build it
I love a good puzzle and this is one of the best.
starting enother one now lets see if I can get a large loft.Talk soon
Hi Anthony,
i've been puzzling with it for so long that i almost started to hate the cabin
i am really looking forward to building the cabin (but i know by now that this can only be done with a good plan. Otherwise we are all running around and since we only have a week and are always trying to do as much as we can, that would be a waste of time.Anyway,
uhm, about the remark that some beaks have holes in them. Not quite sure where i said that but what i probably meant is to say that all the holes in the beaks/logs are already there.
So if you use the skp that i originally made, then you see all the holes that are available. I have drawn all the holes.About the loft,
i told my wife that it might be possible that a loft could be created but that i thought that this might not be handy with climbing stairs and all, but she said that maybe it could be used for sleepingSo don't let me stop you
Happy puzzling!
Yes Fred I can certainly see how you could get very frustrated with it, some things just don't seem to make sense at all and made even worse knowing that the correct plan would mean much less cutting and would go up in three or four days, minus site preparation, it sounds like your on a very tight schedule and even though a slab would be better it would eat up your allotted time.
How long before you go.
Ant -
Hi Ant,
well, basically, we go 2 times a year with as much volunteers as possible.
(a medical team and a team of 'handyman' (not sure what the correct english word is).
I ofcourse am a member of the last team.
We go in April and in September and both times about a week.
However, we also have to make shelter for the dogs, or move shelters to other places, repair locks or make new roofs so basically there is always a lot to do, and to little time to do it in(we also have to prepare the operationroom for the medical team and maybe we are even going to help in another shelter that needs more help (higher priority than building a cabin)
(and that's why i try to go with some volunteers some trips in between.
It is possible to tell them to make a concrete floor (that is something they can do if we tell them the correct size/coordinates) and if that one is ready when we arrive, then we can start building. (Hopefully in April, but it is also possible that we are going to move some big shelters and put the cabin in that empty spot).
I am (unfortunatelynot the one who is deciding that, i just grabbed this problem and am trying to solve it (with a lot of help by you and others)
However, if i can say that we have a possible solution and we know the sizes, than this could become part of our goals for the next trip maybe... I'm hopefulBy the way, a SU-plan of the shelter:
(still work in progress) -
You mention counting the cabin components by what I understand to be manually.
Sketchup will give you the current model quantities for any given component by a simple right click and select entity info. (see attached)Also attached is my third try with an alteration to balk-06.
You mentioned earlier it is possible that some of the logs may not be exact as to notches etc.
So I altered balk-06 to "fit"I wish you all the best with this project, and have one small request...please post some pictures once the effort begins/finishes.