Changing scenes without onClick
Hi! This is my first discussion topic ever!
Please try to help me!
- Is there any possibility to "fly" through scenes without clicking on any component, just by typing in a text field, for example, scenes nr or text?
- if there is a possibility to solve nr 1 issue, I wonder if there is possible to make some kind of finder, that could find a components name or other text and automatically go to the scene the object, component is attracted. The perfect solution would be to type any components name and it would be visible in a close-up. But I think with scenes it is more realistic to solve! thanks
Hi Gunars. Just to understand better, why would that be better than clicking on scenes? I'm not seeing the reason, and if I saw the reason better, I might be able to answer better.
But for now, no this is not possible in DC's except with the OnClick. There might be a way to make it so you could enter a name into the DC options box, then have that option be inserted into the onlcick, so whatever is entered would be what scene the onclick goes to. But that still requires the onclick.
Othewise, why not just make a scene that looks at each component and then name the scene correctly so that the user can just choose the scene they want.
Or this is all probably do-able through ruby. You could create a scene for each component. Then have a box ask what scene you want to go to and the suer types it in and it goes there. Seriously though that is a bad idea, unless there is more to the idea than you've explained. Its harder to type the correct name of the scene than to just click on it.
But if you really want to advance the idea, you could go ask in the ruby forum for help.
The idea for typing, even it's ok if it would be in DC options box, was for example if there are many, many scenes (for example 50 books in a shelf), it's easy to find! But if you say, that it "still requires the onclick", it looses sense. Maybe ruby men will help me!
This is just in theory as I can't test it, but you might try to set it up like this:
Each book has a scene that looks right at it. The outermost component would be the bookcase. The user would select it and open DC options and enter th book name, or even choose from a dropdown list. This gets saved as a custom attribute. Then the bookcase has an onclick option set to go to whatever scene is specified in the custom attribute. That would work quite well I think. Though it does require entering information and then clicking on the DC. Might be good though,
THANKS! it works as you suggested. By the way, is there a solution for exporting sketchup file with all it's DCs to web based experience? I konw that there are sketchup viewers, but maybe someone knows if there is a good web plugin or web-viewer or other solution how to get most of sketchup features (especially dc's)in web browsers?
Boy, I doubt you'll find anything like that. There is a free version of SU that people can download and install and then view the model. I know its not at all what you want, but its the closest thing. Good luck,
gunarsk, I guess you want this for presentation purposes? cause if you only need it to make simplify navigating while modeling, there is a simpler way:
- at the top of the outliner window there is a 'Filter' where you can type in group-/component-names to narrow down the list
- select the desired entity in the outliner to highlight it in the scene
- then right-click it and choose the 'zoom extents' command to find the entity filling out your view.
you could even assign a shortcut to this specific zoom function. in order to do that, first select a group or component, then open the preferences-window (if you have no group selected, the desired command will not show up). then under Shortcuts look for the command 'Edit/Item/Zoom Extents' and assign a key of your choice as a shortcut. now you only have to press this button to zoom to any selection in your model
gunarsk, The Hypercosm teleporter plugin let's you export models to be viewed interactively in a web browser. I have tried it and it works nicely, you have to install their software,similar to Flash. Ah, and it's free.