WISH LIST classification
Just an idea, I find that the SU team has not looked too much at our wish list, and I find it very frustrating.
Here is what I could figure to change itI have patiently listed nearly all main items of the wih list; would not it be interesting to vote for them and have a hierarchy showing the main wishes of the group
Every one could have 30 votes to display between the topics, and a ranking would come out.
1000 answers would be a real professionnal investigation… if the SU team is interested of course.Here is the list of topics; I organize them in 3 sections to be more readable
I'm trying to work through your list, but it seems that some of the URL's don't point to relevant posts. Is it possible post ID's changed since you assembled this list?
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tell the line number, and I will try to help
Some topics have ben renamed, either to be more clear in a few words, or because they were mixed with other topics in the same message. Topics have been erased because they are included in 7.0, such as dynamic components.