Change the color of only one instance
i'm just thinking of another question:
Is there a way to edit, with ruby the colors of the contents of a component (the geometry) So a loop through the geometry of the component and change all the materials/colors of them. -
i'm posting my progress.
To change the component definition from an instance i have found.
Leaves me with 2 questions:
- Can i copy the 'in model' components in the library
- Secondly: how do i set all those copied components to be red? (also the internal geometry of the component)
Assuming you are not going to edit the component definition...
Pick the component instance [let's callits definition Y].
Use make unique on it [let's call this new version's definition X].
Chnage the definition of X to make all of its materials the <default> (nil).
Make the instance's colour say 'Red' - or whatever.
At the end you simply swap the instances of X with the original definition Y and it looks the same.
You will have a spare definition hanging around unused - could purge it or empty it's entity list and give it a 'scrap' name....
Thank you Tig,
Sounds like the setup we thought about yesterday.
This is the processflow we were thinking about:
Change color depending on script result
- Get the component definition of the instance
- Write this component definition as an attribute in the instance attribute dictionary
- Make the instance unique (this results in a new component definition)and give it a name (can we use the auto-component name generator from SU itself?)
- Loop through all the entities in the component and set color as red
Reset color
- Check to see if the current instance component definition equals the component definition that is available in the attribute dict of the instance
- If there is a difference: give the instance the component definition it has set in it's attribute dictionary.
- Delete the 'current' component definition from the component library
Is this a good way? Thx again
And you were asking for help in the SU discussions
lol Gaieus
Well i thought i asked it in the component section
The thread we had going on there was very helpfull to see the posibilities and clear my mind of what exactly i wanted it to do.
I now have the basics of it but still there are some major issues.Here is the code:
def cinchange ######################## #--Change the instance-- ######################## #--initialize-- model=Sketchup.active_model ss=model.selection.first #--Get component definition name of instance-- #--Write component def. to instance dictionary ss.set_attribute 'xdid_dict', 'compdefname', compdefname #--Make instance unique (creates new comp. definition)-- ss.make_unique #--Edit the instance (make all entities red)-- compdef=ss.definition ent=compdef.entities ent.each {|i| if i.typename=="Face" i.material="red" i.back_material="red" end } end def cinrestore ######################### #--Restore the instance-- ######################### #--initialize-- model=Sketchup.active_model ss=model.selection.first #--Get current component definition of instance-- #--Get the component definition defined in the attrib. dict.-- orig_compdefname=ss.get_attribute 'xdid_dict', 'compdefname' #--If comp. def. set in attrib. dict. does not equal current comp. def., set the component definition from the attrib. dict. back-- if orig_compdefname if orig_compdefname!= current_compdefname definitionlist=model.definitions ss.definition=definitionlist[orig_compdefname] #--Delete the current component definition from the library-- #--Delete the attrib. dict. entry from the instance end end end
The issues are:
- what to do when there is only one instance of a component present in the model. make unique does not work then. (any thoughts on this?)
- now for each instance of the same component it creates a new component definition while it could reuse the first one. (dito)
- get the attribute information out of the instances dictionary
I don't know if anyone could use the above script and if i need to put it in a plugin or something.
ok i have my script (almost working)
def cinchange #--initialize-- model=Sketchup.active_model ss=model.selection.first UI.messagebox('selection OK') ######################## #--Change the instance-- ######################## #--Get component definition of instance-- UI.messagebox('definition OK') #--Write component def. to instance dictionary ss.set_attribute 'xdid_dict', 'compdef', compdef UI.messagebox('attribute OK') #--Make instance unique (creates new comp. definition)-- ss.make_unique UI.messagebox('unique OK') #--Edit the instance (make all entities red)-- compdef2=ss.definition ent=compdef2.entities ent.each {|i| if i.typename=="Face" i.material="red" i.back_material="red" end } UI.messagebox('rood OK') UI.messagebox('total succes') end def cinrestore
######################### #--Restore the instance-- ######################### #--Get current component definition of instance-- model=Sketchup.active_model ss=model.selection.first UI.messagebox('selection OK') #--Get the component definition defined in the attrib. dict.-- orig_compdef=ss.get_attribute 'xdid_dict', 'compdef' UI.messagebox(orig_compdef) #--If no comp. definition set in the attrib. dict., do nothing-- #--If comp. def. set in attrib. dict. does not equal current comp. def., set the component definition from the attrib. dict. back-- UI.messagebox(current_compdef) if orig_compdef!= current_compdef UI.messagebox('niet gelijk') ss.definition=orig_compdef end
The only problem left is how to set the definition of the instance back to the original one based upon the variable orig_compdef which is the name of the definition.
I have saved the original 'name' of the component definition in the attrib. dictionary cause appaerently it is not possible to save the definition itself.
Can someone help me on this? --> SOLVEDAlso, could you check if it is possible to make this script 'better'?
@pout said:
what to do when there is only one instance of a component present in the model. make unique does not work then. (any thoughts on this?)
True this works that way but how to solve it with ruby, I don't know. Maybe make a temporary copy of it, make it unique then and delete the copy.
Does anyone know how i can give a component definition a certain name?
When making an instance unique it automatically adds #1 behind the current component definition name. -
You can always rename the component (and yes, there have been several feature requests for the Create Component window to pop up when making a component unique).
Now how you would do it in ruby, that's a different question
Ok i have found that (jeez, i should stop posting when something pops up in my mind)
Almost finished.
I'll post my code soon. -