Taking requests...(for free..)
trying to test my sketch up skills, if you need anything done at all in sketchup let me know, or want to give me a challenge, just trying to see what I can do. Thanks.
Insaneman <---
Welcomwe to GSCF.
Okay, how's your organic modeling skills?
How about a good jack-o-lantern (Halloween pumpkin)
This one slows most people down: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/mice_pointers/mice/devices/130&cl=US,EN
if you want a true challenge, compete in the next speed modelling challenge!
by the way, remus: are you already on vacation? just asking because of the next challenge.
(you see, take on a responsibility once and you have it forever)
Haha, whoa now, lets start a little easier
yeah, you are probably right. no need to hurry things. you may go for something easy first, like some eye candy stuff
Heh, something just a tad easier maybe?
Why don't you post some of the things you've already done, so people will be be able to give you realistic challenges.
Really don't have anything.
How about some nice Romanesue churches? They may seem to be rather difficult by the first sight but you can start with a simple one and keep adding things to it (like it was actually being done hundreds of years ago).