Creating water spray...
Hi Andrew - I'd go even simpler. As Alan sid, you can create the image of just the spra without any background showing around it.
No apply this semi transparent image onto a single Face in SU, hide its edges and turn it into a face-me component.
Gimp should work fine. I produced this image by simply placing a few random white dots on a clear layer. I then copy/pasted them to fill the image area and applied a speed blur.
The instructions in the skp are pretty obvious. Good Luck AndrewEdit: You can just do a Face Me as Gaieus suggest, but my experience is that this only works well if you have a spray going vertically upward. If it's angled, then it tends to twist and turn in all kinds of unwanted ways. That's why I have gone full's only 24 faces.
Here's another example of fountains form a Google site:
Just scroll down to the foutains Picture.
Yep, works. Sorry Alan, please forgive, I used your shower with my "fountain" stretched and squashed and rotated. The pivot point is at the original base of the fountain which is now positioned on an agle against the opening of the shower head. The whole thing rotates correctly as I orbit around the model pivoting around it's origin at the shower head on the same angle as it's z axis
watercolour fountain available as an SKP face-me or as a High resolutin PNG.
I grabbed an old incomplete SketchUp Model with a fountain in it and placed in the water fountain so you can see the the SKP one in action.
The spray will "tiwst and turn" about it's "origin" so if you want to cut this up and angle, just make sure you keep the origin centred in the middle of it's base as it is in this one. when you angle the fountain bit the origin will stay as is and it will angle with the rotation. It will pivot around that origin in that angle as needed.
Thanks to you all for your efforts and great suggestions... I want to get into it but have a mountain of work to get through and besides; haven't even got the job yet!!! Will post when I have had a play...
Thanks again, you guys are GOLD!! -
So I got the job!!! Will start on it today and have to submit by Tuesday next week.... better get cracking!!!
Will post along the way for comments.
Cheers again. -
Awesome Andrew! Congratulations.
sorry this post has nothing to do with this, just wanted the 10,000th post =p