The City Of Ankh-Morpork W.I.P.
I bet that Solo could model some awesome Feegles.....
@angusog said:
Pb what book was it you read of the discworld series, terry's humour is a little bit off beat i suppose but I love it, "rincewind" the wizard is bloody brilliant, a survivor if ever there was one. Nanny Ogg, Mistress weatherwax and Magrat the witches are excellent too, as are the nac mac feegle, who think if it is bigger than them , fight it and at 6" tall everything is bigger than them...
I read Soul Music. It was fun and diverting.
I just finished it again for about the 5th time "music with rocks in"
Death is awesome in it , joining the Klatchian foreign legion to forget was a hilarious part of the book
and finished "Eric" this week, small but funny 12yr old demonologist and Rincewind go well together....
I have a picture of "Rob Anybody", Big Man of the feegle somewhere need to post it. and I think you are right Solo could do it real justice.
Gai, Shift it on over to the other forum!
I'm sorry I haven't been modelling much, I've been very busy, Hopefully I will get some done tommorow.
Here is another great resource for inspiration:
Just Google Images with "York Shambles" - not a plumb line in sight!
some more updates
The local pub, although modeled with square sides, would love to model it all wonky like a 400yr old building would be like , but i reckon file size would treble
haven't worked on the city this week at all
reckon this could take a while to get modeled
This is great! I love Terry Pratchet's stuff. I've played with the idea myself of doing some modelling related to Discworld.
That'd be great. I have a few of the mapps and illustrated books for accurate references. Hook me up and I'll join you.
G'day Tom
it would be fantastic if you could join in the building of ankh morpork, i'm doing the post office atm, the mint, tower of art, any model in fact the would suit a medieval township would be welcome, if you want to be included in the 3dwh collaboration let me know , you would be most welcome.
I have edited the model and reduced the file size a lot by deleting the lettering on the front.
This looks like fantastic project...BTW language is none from Balkan. It is Slavic for sure though.
I have the English version of the Mappe.
I'll see if I can get it scanned in pieces and stitch together or take a photo of it. -
It's Czech as far as I can see...
I think it is a bit of everything.
the model posted to 3dwh has an English version of the map above the town,
haven't worked on this in a while, but i do occasionally get emails requesting to join in collaboration
I a few of the books and maps. I just started of with the Assassin's Guild.
Got a WIP of the Assassin's Guild going in a separate thread:
Made a new thread as I plan to go into further detail to it, which I feel would just clutter up this thread. But if any Discworld reader would have a look it'd be nice. I'm wondering if there's some references in the books which gives any clue to the appearance of the AG building. -
Thom, awesome model of the assassins guild building. In the other thread.
there is a reference to the AG , but it was an interior scene, can't remember what book it was atm, will have a look through them to see if i can find it ( I did start referencing descriptions as i was reading them again), but haven't got back to that one yet, anyway description of the scene "
It is about the patrician when he was a pupil in the guild. he was reading a book on camouflage, and school bully takes it from him and throws it in the fire. it was the only one of it's kind, implying no one else could use it now, later in the chapter he ambushes the bully using techniques from the book"
about as much as i remember for now, I am pretty sure there is a description at the beginning of the chapter on the front of the AG building and entrance. will post again when i find or remember the titlerob
that's Nightwatch