Vray for Sketchup - Materials
Thanks Mate!
Lots of materials in the first link... good stuff!
I have dabbled with Vray but after discovering that there are very few materials supplied with the SketchUp version, I quickly became frustrated. I can't believe such an expensive piece of software expects the end user to scavange for, or have to create, nearly all their own materials. After seeing that there was quite a good selection of materials available for 3DS Max I downloaded the free Material Studio program from AGSvis to convert these for use with SketchUp. A good idea if it worked, but it doesn't. When you try to import these converted files you just keep getting the error message that it is an "Invalid file type". If anybody knows how to get this program to work correctly I would appreciate it. I accept, but doubt, that it is user error. Other users seem to have the same problem.
Even if it did work, I was still put off by the fact you can't actually view vray textures on your model in the viewport.
You can only see them when rendered. That seems like software that was released before it was fit for use.
A real shame, because good Vray renders look superb.If I have got anything wrong here I am more than happy to stand corrected.
Mr S -
I downloaded the material studio and have used it exclusively for all my Vray materials. The materials that come with Vray for Sketchup are not very good and I like having the control of making my own materials. Once you get the hang of it you can make and edit materials quickly. Not to mention you can start to build a nice library to use on other projects. Typically the materials that come with any program are alright but not great, plus it is always a good idea to make your own materials and not just stock stuff. It will separate your work from other who could be using the exact same materials you are. Just good practice all around.
Hi Scott,
Well, that means I must be doing something wrong.
I downloaded Material Studio. No documentation was supplied with it.
I assumed it was so straightforward to use, it didn't need any!I have download materials from http://www.vray-materials.de/
These are for use with 3DS MAX.
All I did was to load the individual parts, diffuse image, bump map and displacement map, if provided, in to the appropriate slots in Material Studio. I clicked on Preview and everything looked fine. I then clicked on "Save as Package". However, when I try to import the .vismat file within SketchUp I just get the "Invalid file type" error.
I am using the latest version of SketchUp and Material Studio. The image textures are 1024px square.
Any ideas where I have gone wrong?
Thanks.Mr S
I have never done anything except make my own textures which worked fine. I am not sure if it is something with the materials originally being made for MAX or not. Like I said I find it better to make my own.
Did you try making your own?
Can you post a link to Material Studio? Thanks
Hi Scott,
I will try making materials today from my own images rather than the 3DS MAX ones.
Did you read the method I was using previously. Does it look right to you?
I am using MaterialStudio v01.00.07. Is this the version you are using?
Hi chango70,
ASGvis have just completely revamped their website and I can't find any links relating to Material Studio.
As Scott seems to be having no problem with it I can't believe it has been "pulled" for some reason.
My problems seem to be down to my own user error.
I could upload it somewhere for you to download but I'm not sure if thats legal.
It is a free download from ASGvis but would they be upset about me doing this?
Can anyone enlighten me on this?Regards
Mr S -
Hi Mr S
Thanks for the prompt reply. I couldn't find it on their new website thats why I was asking. Don't worry about it if you are unsure of the legality. I don't want to get you into trouble.
humm... if i got it rigth... the materials in the http://www.vray-materials.de/ are not ready to use in v-ray for sketchup?
Thats right.
The materials at http://www.vray-materials.de/ are for use with 3DS MAX.
Thats why I downloaded and tried to convert them for use with SketchUp.
I didn't actually try to convert the native 3DS .mat files.
I simply reloaded the bitmap files, diffuse, bump and reflection in to Material Studio, generated the preview image which looked great (see attached), and then "Saved as Package" which creates a .vismat file together with the bitmap files.But when I attempt to import the .vismat file in to Vray for SketchUp it informs me that it is an invalid ASGvis .vismat file.
I'm back to square one!
Mr S
======= -
Sorry for not getting back to this thread sooner.
I am not sure what version I am using as there is no way to tell.
I downloaded the material studio just days before the revamp of the website. I went back to try to find it and I can not either. I have emailed them to see if it can be sent to me and also if it is free to distribute or only for people who purchased the software (not trials). I will let you know what I find out.
Success! They just sent me this link to download the material studio. Tested and it works (the download)
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Hope this helps!
Hey thats great!
Thanks for the help!
No problem. Glad to help.
So with this Material Studio, i'll be able to open those materials from th web site, and then save them as a vray for sketchup material?
sorry, i've just checked the posts again... witch means that it might work.. or not..
rigth.. thanks anyway guys, lets give it a try!
I have not tried that. I make 95% of my own materials for Vray with Sketchup.
If you manage to use it successfully can you let me know what I may be doing wrong?
Mr S -
Mr S,
Alright it sounds like you are still having some issues. I will try to be as descriptive as possible.
Open the material editor
Right click on "Scene Materials" and select "add material" and then "AddVrayMtl". (this will then add "default material" in the editor).
Now go through and create a new material just as you would in the material editor within Vray for Sketchup.
Once you have the material the way you like it go to "File" and select "Pack Material" (make a folder wherever you want to save the material" and put it in the folder.
Now go back to Sketchup and in the material editor (within Vray for Sketchup) go to "Scene Materials" and right click.
select "import new material" and browse to the .vismat material you just saved.
Once you import that material it will also show up in the native Sketchup material editor.
Now paint whatever you want with your new material in Sketchup.
Hit render.
Now you should see your newly created Vray material in your render.
That should do it.If you make some good custom materials make sure we try to share them either in the material forum or on the Vray material section of their forum.
Let me know if you need anymore help.
That is what I have been doing.
But when I reach this point:
@unknownuser said:
select "import new material" and browse to the .vismat material you just saved.
I get the error message.
If you have the time, could you try importing one of the materials I have made and see if you experience the same problem?I have attached the following:
BrickRedCladding.vismat (Vray file)
tiles-25_b005.jpg (Bump Map Image)
tiles-25_d100.jpg (Diffuse Image)Saved as one zip file.
See attached.
Mr S