Rogue's W.I.P's!
Oh, yes. The link is above the images
Ah. Sorry man. I'm completely blind.
Thanks KDS, no I haven’t been having any problems.
I have decided to leave out interiors and most other complex details that lead to excessive modeling time in SU; such as Interior. I came to this conclusion after finding that I was never going to finish most of my projects if I continued this way. So, I am not going to have an interior in my Trojan Cobra. The old one didn't have one so I don’t see why the new one should. I have started work on it but it has only been minor. I will have interiors on some of my models but not others. I may only try engines if I feel the need to.
Here is the Trojan Cobra base model
@thomthom said:
Ah. Sorry man. I'm completely blind.
Take off those big glasses and you might be able to see better
Great! So technically, the only changes so far on the base model has been the rear fog lights and Trojan logo? And can I upload the work I did on the one you sent me before?
Well Shams, technically, no. I have changed a few more things than that;
-Front indicators (added)
-Front bumper revision (smoothed hidden lines, fixed one other problem)
-Front panel revision (fixed one problem)
-Side skit revision (fixed two problems)
-Door revision (changed to a pillar less door)
-Boot revision (added Trojan logo)
-Rear brake lights (added indicators, fixed texture problem)
-Rear bumper revision (removed licence plate recess, smoothed hidden lines, added lower reverse lights, fixed two other problems)
-Changed body colour
-Changed wheelsI had started and had gotten well into making interior and some running gear but decided to abandon it.
So, I suggest you add your modifications to my uploaded model if you wish for them to be current. Feel free do as you please, I insist you modify it.
Maybe the word aesthetically would be the right one...? I can feel my word bank dying; can I blame the recession for this one too? Anyway...
Gah, didn't notice the rear bumper revision...
I know I've seen a powerdome hood somewhere in this thread. GT?
I've done so much on that model! Oh well, I'll see what I can do. Plus, I think I'll wait for the GT, so I can throw some details from the GT in there as well.
Well Shams, here is the GT. It’s the V6 version though, so no powerdome in sight. That will be reserved for the GT V8 and the other higher performance models.
Next models are the Fastback V6 and Fastback GT V6
The Cobra's don't seem to be getting much feedback...
Tell me what you think!
Here is the Fastback V6:
And the Fastback GT V6:
There may not be anything to say, but I'm here, downloading them
Again, thanks Shams
Ok, so no one else is saying anything about the Trojan Cobra still. Come on people, I need feedback.
There have been 25 ratings over the 4 models so far and of that only 7 have had comments....One model has had no comments. I realize that a 5 star says that the people rating it like it (I have seen much, much worse models get 5 star ratings too) but what don’t you like or what do you think can be improved.
That’s really the only reason I upload my models, that and to share with the small group of SU users that actually care. -
honestly Rouge i think it looks pretty bad ass but the reason why not many people comment on your cars is because it looks like every other model you make is just a slightly modified one of the last. What i think people want is original right out of your head cars. Try making something inspired by diffrent ford models and put all the good bits into one really cool design. I know your capable man.
...I look at the thread, but don't respond, because I've seen tons of cars already, and although I think they're really nice, and extremely detailed( I myself barely even have the patience to spend more than a few hours on one model)
I'm just plain too lazy to leave comments for them all, so I just don't respond to them...In some aspects, I do agree with Ray too.
Thanks again Ray & BTM.
I will try to get some more “generally exciting” models made; first I will need to het to sketching again.
I have had a fair few ideas for cars over the last few months but don’t have the patients to make them. I find the more conventional designs are much easier to make but aren’t as satisfying in the end.I’ll let you all know how it goes; I’ll try to upload some scans
them rims are awsome dude
For now you’ll all have to put up with my slightly less excellent cars!
Nice. Although I'd personally go for something more drag-racing friendly, like classic steel wheels or five-spoke ones. When I saw these wheels on the '10 GT, I thought Ford made a headstart for the tuning crowd. Maybe that's just me.
Well, I was going for more of a Racing / Targa / Rally / Drag / Sprint car...
hey rouge how bout a request?
I would like to see a Ford Interceptor could you do one of those?
I would love to Ray but there just aren’t any good side, front, rear or top views of it. I am only really able to complete your request if I had these. If some do come along then I will be sure to try.