A New Guy
Thank you.
I guess it is pretty quick. Now all I have to do is remember the questions. First, maybe I should explain that I'm attempting measured furniture drawings. Of course, now that I've got someone to ask, I can't think of a simple way to explain my questions. Are you familiar with furniture construction?
I'm sorry if I'm a little slow. I didn't expect answers so quickly. I guess another question is, how do I add an image to my name?
@pierce1954 said:
I'm sorry if I'm a little slow. I didn't expect answers so quickly. I guess another question is, how do I add an image to my name?
Up towards the top on the left there is a link to UCP. Click on that. Then go to Profile. Then click on Avatar. That is where you can upload your avatar (image next to your name). There are some guidelines. It has to be under 64kb I think and 138x138 pixles or something. Its all on that page. Hope that helps.
And as for furniture, there are lots of people here who use SU for furniture. Dig around and you'll find some good info. There is also a woodworking forum you can sign up for (Sign up for it in the UCP area somewhere too). Good luck!
Thanks to all for your warm welcome.
You welcome. And nice avatar!
I was in a coffee shop a couple years ago, and someone handed me this caricature he'd done of me while I was sitting there. I'd never seen him before and haven't seen him since.
If you knew me, you'd think it was a photo.
For what your are looking for (as I understand it) you should check out the Design, Click, Build blog on the Fine Woodworking site.
LOTS of good tutorial type info. And be sure to check out the archive. On the right side of the page, about a page down the previous weeks titles are listed, and at the bottom is a link to the archive. Dave Richards, and Tim Killen are great at teaching how to use SU in woodworking.
I was just in the Woodworking forum here and saw that you've already met Dave Richards a couple of days ago. As I said, he's a great teacher and really knows how to make SU work for you.
Thank you. I did take a look at the Fine Woodworking site.
I agree, Dave has been a big help. I've taken a look at some of his other posts and found help there also.
I getting free advice from some prestigious people here. So far, my first association with a forum has been positive.