[REQ] Material Modifier
Is it possible to do the following via a plugin? If so, would one of you gurus be willing to tackle it?
The goal is to create a black and white view of a model directly in SketchUp. I think the steps would be these:
- Upon activation of the plugin, it looks at the HSB numbers for the materials used in the model.
- It generates and saves a file someplace for these values.
- It sets the H and S values to zero.
- It rounds the B value to the nearest 10. For example if the B value is 67, it would get rounded to 70.
Perhaps there would be a two button toolbar. One button would do the above. The other would restore the HSB values to their original numbers.
So what do you think? Could it work.
Completely do-able but its a hammer to crack a nut.
Why not just export the image and convert the image to grayscale?
I could use such a plugin too.
for example if you want all the textures in your model grayscale exept for a few objects with bright colours to stand out.
you could run the script and then recolour these objects...
Adam, as Plot-Paris says, it would be handy for adding localized color. It would also be nice for some animation exports. I don't have anything fancy in the way of video editing software to make that happen. I also do some screen capture video tutorials and it would be nice to quickly modify a model again to make something stand out.
Wouldn't it be easier if some of sort of filter feature (thinking along the lines of photographic equipment) was added whereby certain colours can be filtered out (or enhanced) instead of colouring the faces something that you';ll have to redo later on? Because you already have grey scales in the SU palette so having a plugin for greyscale becomes redundant.
Or what if you export the coloured parts separately (with a transparent background for instance) and overlay it onto the greyscale parts in PS? (I know it's just a workaround but easily doable).