::Cabin Design::
Really cool buildings, i really like the cladding/roofing. Nice to see some colour.
I really like this one.
Yeah, nice one.
Like it. -
these are excellent.
got anymore views of the interior on the one with the red roof? -
unfortunately, i dont steven.. the interior of that one is faked b/c we hadn't gotten around to doing an interior layout....still havent, actually..haha..
Completely your designs? Very nice. They all show off the buildings nicely. I especially like the cladding on the red roof one.
yes..completely my designs, aside from the interior layout of the second one.. there are a total of three cabins, one i have not included..which was the first and designed by another architect...and this is where the interior layout came from.. as the plan was to keep the interiors the same since these are supposed to be prefab...of course, this third one is going to mess that up because it has a loft...
the question for me is , who is going to live in the first house ?
its nice -
I for one would love to have one of those as a beachfront vacation cottage.
Great designs, Jason, and I'm glad to see the green roofs showing up in more places. Was that a request or just part of your design?
to use it as cottage , you would need to buy first all the beach, Solo,
I mostly see it as a Congregation Church or something, somewhere on a wide space. -
i love to one with the red roof. its a great meld of modern styles and traditional cabin looks. i especially like the big windows on the front, providing a great view of what ever mountain you're building this on. keep going, these are great!!
The first cabin is a gem! Just lovely!
cool cabin... bling that wood with some serious clear coat to compliment the contemporary design... I like it!!
I am really fond of both designs. The second very much falls in line with my tastes and design ideologies. It also very much reminds me of the original design sketch presented by the Eames' for their now famous house of the same name in Los Angeles. This again appeals to me because I believe that original sketch presented a stronger design that what was eventually implemented, although many would disagree with my assessment I am sure. It is interesting that you discuss the concepts of pre-fab construction, because this again was an instrumental philosophy guiding the Eames House. Overall I feel you have successfully crafted a fine, original design, that artfully interprets a serious pedigree, whether intentional or not. Excellent work.
I am also very found of the artistic approach taken to your images. While photo-realism is always impressive, I feel a slightly more artistic tone, as your images imply to me, often better showcases the nuances of a design idea. What program were these created in? (EDIT: I missed where you said Maxwell, my apologies) I particularly like the abstract ground, which wholly allows one to focus one the design.
eric... i honestly cant remember who had the idea of the living roof..haha.. he wanted these to be 'green' (obviously, who doesnt these days)...
iGor.. that was exactly the intent.. a fun, modern twist on a traditional cabin.. couldnt put the words together at the moment..haha..
dpimpc.. the eames house was definitely an inspiration.. and the idea was that these square frames that make up the skin are a standard size (10x10 if memory serves) for ease of fabrication..and within those, there are many options to personalize the design.. clear glass, translucent glass, doors, operable windows, etc..
thanks for the kind words everyone...very much appreciate it..i dont take the chance to design much anymore...