Watermark messes up when export
When I export as 2d from SU, the Watermark messes up and looks terrible.
Has anyone experience this to ?
Jorgensen -
Not when exporting 2d, but exporting animations, it misbehaves also.... It starts ok, then fades out, and then reappears, for no reason....
Hm ok
I'll have to photoshop then.
Jorensen. Can you post picture or describe how it looks terrible. Could be related to image format, resolution?
Caronte01; as far as the fading. I believe I've mentioned this to SU, and was just the way watermarks were setup between scenes. At least when you change watermark from one scene to the other. I'm not sure if it does this if you have same watermark or style across different scenes. I could test that, if that is the issue.
Ideally I'd like to either have a hard cut, or a cross dissolve, vs. fade out/fade inn. But in perfect world could make this user preference. (keep in mind I'm just talking about behavior of watermarks vs. the model iteslf.)
Jorgensen - generally speaking if you want a watermark (or line style) in an export to appear as you see it on screen, then a screen capture instead of an export might be the best way to go. That's what I do. Alternately, you could try exporting at the screen resolution or doing what the Google folk recommend if you are a SketchUp Pro user - inserting the model into LayOut and setting the resolution there as it offers more control.
Regards, Ross