Podium Rendering Reflecting
I am rendering in SketchUp 6 Pro and using Podium to Render. My problem is that my green floor in my building is reflecting on everything! The lights are set to about 20. The floor and the walls have 0 Reflect on them. The only thing set in my model to reflect is glass and there is barely any of that. I dont know why the green is reflecting onto the walls and so strongly. The lights are 32' above the floor. I included a practice image that i was working on (and stopped early). Any ideas?
Welcome daisiesinmay.
I am moving this thread to the Podium forum as it pertains to a specific software and you will get answers more directed at your issues there.
You could try putting a face over the top of the floor and texturing it with glass, that might tone down the reflection form the floor a bit. Might also be worth playing about wit the material in SU as well, just play around with the colour a bit and see if you can get it any better.
I looked at your image and want to know if you have a ground plane or is that just a green ground set in SU? as the 2d people do not seem to cast shadows on the ground which happens when there is no ground plane.
I would also suggest using a texture and not a flat color?
I had tried manipulating the color, even changed it entirely. The reflection was still there, it just changed color. I will definitely try the glass floor though.
The floor is a physical plane that I put in. The building rests on it. It does have a texture image associated with it; I think the angle and the fact that I lightened in my attempts to help the reflection prevent the texture from being as visible.
So I put a layer of "glass" over the green part of my floor and that seemed to do the trick! I don't know why I had the problem, but thanks for the solution!
It is called radiosity.
@daisiesinmay said:
So I put a layer of "glass" over the green part of my floor and that seemed to do the trick! I don't know why I had the problem, but thanks for the solution!
what do you mean exactly by putting a layer of glass over your floor? please tell me the steps you took to do it.
i have the same problem with a podium render: a grass surface reflecting on an internal ceiling.
All you need to do is draw a plane and move it just above the grass ha is causing the problem. If you then paint it with a material with a very low opacity so you can harldy see it, and perhaps add a tiny bit of reflection.