Some lines darker?
Why is it that when using the pencil tool, some lines, when drawn, are "normal" thickness, but some are very thick? I use the same settings for both lines too. I am trying to separate the panes of a window by drawing in lines, but one line is normal (the first on I draw), but the second one I draw is very thick. Any help?
Thin lines are "normal" edges while thick lines are "profiles". Profiles are used by SU to show when lines do not border a face or to give a distinct outline of a 3D shape (while the coplanar faces are only divided by "normal" edges).
You can turn profiles off in the Style dialogue (activate it from the Window menu) > in model (tab) > edge settings (the lefmost icon). Many people (like me) do not use them at all.
If you are drawing with profiles turned on, a thicker line usually indicates that it has not been successful in sub-dividing the surface...and is still therefore regarded as a profile. Maybe it didn't quite make it to an edge or is in some way still separate from the surface. Check that when you select the surface on one side of the line, that the selection doesn't simply ignore that line and extend beyond it.