Where are you from?
North America- specifically in Indiana and work in Park Ridge Illinois - near Chicago. Both locations well within the range of a small (5.4R) earthquake we had early this morning. Woke my wife up but it would take at least a 6.0 to register on my scale.
Australia here,central coast north NSW, little town called Coffs Harbour, where they have the big banana.......
doesn't seem to be many Aussie's on the forums,
Just a reminder about the Local Area User Groups with this thread running.
Some of you may wish to visit and introduce yourself in your Local Area Group. It is a forum setup to allow people to see who lives in their local area. Hopefully this may lead to future group meets.
I thought there would ahve been more aussies on here as well...perhaps they just havent shown themselves yet...
Townsville, Queensland, Australia, the lucky country. Beautiful place; vibrant, accessible ang great weather...
angusog, I think you would be suprised at the number of AU-SU 'nutters' that frequent this place!!I'm going outside to play.
This is where I live. Some panorama images as well.
Pécs, Hungary -
Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Nancy, France
Here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=liverdun&jsv=107&sll=48.693113,6.182556&sspn=0.056769,0.113811&ie=UTF8&ll=48.732417,6.119728&spn=0.11345,0.227623&z=12&msa=0&msid=102714572788551267361.00000112e64bb9dbbfaf3
Some virtual visit here: http://www.ot-nancy.fr/visites_v/index.php -
Doncaster, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
G'day andrew,
@unknownuser said:
I think you would be suprised at the number of AU-SU 'nutters' that frequent this place!!
yup would be a nice surprise tho, even in the local area posts on 2 have reply'd
with yourself that makes 4 aussies
I am from the state of confusion.
I live in the city of Burriana. Province of Castellon. Country: Spain.
In Google Maps: Burriana
Knoxville, Tennessee
Jakarta, Indonesia
Come on Europe, we need more votes.
Mulhouse _ France (normally in Europe
Hee-haw-ville, aka Texas.
Paris- France
OSX.5-Sketchup6 Free-Kerkythea