Here's a tree like my neighbor's today...
Those look fantastic, Tom! Thanks!
Don't suppose you have a white flowering dogwood? -
Thank you for the trees Tom!
Good man Tom, nice trees. We can never have
enough of themMike
Yes, Tom
I agree with Mike... these are really beautiful ones
My collection of "TOM-trees" is growing
Keep making them
...Real spring...
Thanks Tom!
Anytime, Guys, thanks for the compliments. Tholu: Feelin' it, thanks for that.
Fantastic, like everytime... so nice and slim
Thank you Tom, once again!!!!Beside:
in my components Folder, i already got a seperate Tomdesk folderfilled up with fine work
@marne said: my components Folder, i already got a seperate Tomdesk folder
filled up with fine work
Now that's a comliment!
tks Tom great trees!
Very generous of you Tom - Thanks!
Awesome Tree
I took the liberty of tweaking it a bit to get the impression of a Jacaranda tree in bloom, cause I couldn't find any Jacaranda models anywhere on the net.
Hope you don't mind.
Jacaranda1.skp -
Thanks Tom
@marne said:
in my components Folder, i already got a seperate Tomdesk folder
filled up with fine work
and so have I! thanks, tom.
nice!thanks tom!
thanks tom