Welcome to the forum!
New forum and not too many topics/posts expected at first but still...
Let me start with a 14th century project of mine (now in the Renders Gallery). An image from there:
@gaieus said:
New forum and not too many topics/posts expected at first but still...
Let me start with a 14th century project of mine (now in the Renders Gallery). An image from there:
are you using Kerkytea for renderer?
No, this was 3ds max (and it wasn't me who did the render - mine is just the model - it was a kind of "team work").
looks good gaieus.
i posted a thread 'amsterdam buildings' in the sketchup gallery - they are 16th/17th century buildings, would they fit into this forum? should i repost them here? -
I've been following that topic, Koosie and I'm really impressed by the models there. I just have very little time to comment everything.
Surely they would "fit" in here (although I guess they are existing buildings while this above one has gone by history...) Nevertheless I love all the old stuff...
this is really cool!
That render came out very well.
OT:Would this be a good place to discuss the new Indiana Jones movie?
@solo said:
OT:Would this be a good place to discuss the new Indiana Jones movie?
Sure Pete - where is the scene going to take place?