Free animation solution now imports SKP
Check out Antics if you have ever wanted to add fluid character animation to your SketchUp sets or create 3D animated visualizations with complex camera choreography. Antics is based upon gaming technology, so animating is as easy as drag and drop, point and click.
Antics is the perfect complement to SketchUp and the best part is that like SketchUp, Antics has a free version and there are 1000s of interactive characters, vehicles, props, sets, animations, etc.
Download Antics V3 BasePack for free at
For those who are in the LA area, please see the below information about our upcoming LA User Group that is being hosted at the Art Directors Guild.
Brad Kolacinski, Antics Director of US Marketing Operations, defines "RealTime Content" as "the convergence of filmmaking, animation, and game development in a realtime, 3D virtual environment—no rendering required."
Don Jordan, Training Director of the Design Visualization Center, adds "We're proud to be working with leading developers like Antics and organizations like Machinima to showcase developments in these emerging entertainment markets."
Jordan continues, "RealTime Content and the Cinema developing based on these technologies represent not only opportunities for students around the world to participate in the future of entertainment design but also additional revenue streams for professional designers."
"User-friendly, realtime content solutions like Antics provide visualization tools for film, television, education, the medical field, and the legal profession that just a few years ago would have required high-end programs like Maya."
To see examples of realtime content and event-driven scripting, check out the Antics Cinema shorts "Folie a Duex" and "Looking Back" by clicking the link below:
Join us and the local Antics community in exploring the latest pre-visualization and realtime scene creation tools.
Learn about recent collaborations between Antics and Google SketchUp.
Sign-up for the free give-aways.
We look forward to seeing you at the event.
Reserve a seat by replying to this email with RSVP in the Subject line.
For more information, call the Design Visualization Center, 818.505.8520.
Brad Kolacinski and Don Jordan
Yeah, I've seen this already - though never tried - quite interesting, really.
Also I'm moving this thread to the "Hardware, Software & Gadgets" forum if you don't mind (for it doesn't seem to be a SketchUp tutorial, does it).
could you tell us anything about the SU-->Antics workflow?
@edson said:
could you tell us anything about the SU-->Antics workflow?
As of right now the SketchUp to Antics workflow is importing a .3ds or .fbx file from SketchUp into Antics. The free Antics V3 BasePack supports native import of .3ds and .fbx as well as .bvh motion capture animations.
Very soon we will be releasing an update that will add import for .skp and integrate right into the Google Warehouse from within Antics.
I'll start posting some relevant tips and tricks about integrating your SketchUp models into Antics in our Tips and Tricks thread here.
@unknownuser said:
Same as above (Edson's post)...I am having fun with it...listening to the tutorials and playing. I am sure if I stick with it I will find this but since you have posted....Question...will I be able to build my own content i.e.models and textures. If so is there doc on your site? Thanks for the way!
Thanks for the post. Because Antics ships with such a large library of content and we are always adding new content packs every 2 weeks, we only model primitives within Antics (spheres, cones, cubes and cylinders.)
While Antics is focused primarily on 3D animation and because SketchUp is so great at making 3D modeling easy, we thought the 2 packages would complement one another very nicely for a user friendly free workflow for 3D modeling and 3D animation. As Antics imports .3ds, .fbx and .bvh already, with .skp soon to come, you'll be able to import anything and everything to animate in Antics with our intelligent characters, props and sets.
Antics can also import jpegs, tiffs, bmps, tgas and pngs for use as textures to apply within Antics. Please have a look at the tip and trick on our forum about importing digital images for custom textures... it's very quick and simple.
There are also over 3 hours of video tutorials here:
@unknownuser said:
Thank you...for replying. Great news re .skp format (when?). Your tutorials are very good (and easy to find ==>help menu/other resources) Enjoying them very to get a screen play together..."I'd like to thank the academy......."
The .skp import should be ready within a month!
I am having an error "no display format available" when trying to load the demo.
Ive got full vista 32 with all drivrs updated, bad start
Marc -
@anglaret said:
I am having an error "no display format available" when trying to load the demo.
Ive got full vista 32 with all drivrs updated, bad start
MarcPlease post your issue here on the Antics forum and my support team will respond to you quickly.
You also might want to look at our forum thread regarding Vista and display issues.
Hi all,
Just a quick word to let you know that Antics V3.1 is now available. It's still a free download.
The big news in this version is that you can now import models from SketchUp. So with the free version of Sketchup that's available your entire workflow is right there for free!
Another cool feature is that you can browse the Google 3D Warehouse from inside Antics, choose from the thousands of free models on offer, then drop it straight into your scene! I just had an X-wing flying around the White House in a couple of minutes Cool
You can download the BasePack from our site for free - it's fully featured and unrestricted so you can use it for as long as you like.
Check out this video here which showcases how you can easily add animation to your SketchUp workflow with Antics V3.1:
the bad thing is antics doesn't consider a sketchup model as a floor but you have to create a "room".
@julius said:
the bad thing is antics doesn't consider a sketchup model as a floor but you have to create a "room".
Yes, this is true and we are going to improve upon the integration between SketchUp and Antics in our next major product release. We are working closely with SketchUp and the Art Director's Guild to streamline the workflow for professional pre-viz, which will certainly also help out everyone else.
It is best to lay down the Antics room from the Top View in Antics and simply trace the footprint of your model and then direct characters to follow paths through the set.
Google just blogged about this. Pretty cool!
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