Low poly folk ... edit
Was cleaning out my components files and found this attempt at low poly SU 3d people.
If anyone needs this it's yours.
(ball not included as thats Form Fonts)
I wouldn't call it an "attempt"- it's really good! Of course, people frozen in the middle of a fast movement look always somewhat surrealistic when viewed in 3D. The sculptors seem to get away with it by either faking the thing or choosing phases of movement that look "natural"-just as creating a "random" tile pattern takes a lot of composing.
Very nice (and funny) low polies.
Thanks a lot for the contribution.(Could you project a real photo of Hillary's face to the 3D head to gain realism? I'm curious if that works)
I saw the photo, but who is he?
edit: Mr Infowars.
These are very nice..!!
Thanks for sharing, Pete..!!
I have many more and can make them rather quickly if you have a request and I have the time.
...good idea,Pete!
---POSER4--->3DS--->3dMAX("optimize" function)--->3DSnew--->SKETCHUP
Poser 7 (I use either p2 or 4 models) --> .obj ---> Vizup ---> .obj reduced ---> Deep Exploration ---> Cleanup and conversion ---> .skp ---> SU Explode, size and mesh modifications and edits.