Low poly folk ... edit
Very nice (and funny) low polies.
Thanks a lot for the contribution.(Could you project a real photo of Hillary's face to the 3D head to gain realism? I'm curious if that works)
I saw the photo, but who is he?
edit: Mr Infowars.
ok.. i promise to use these guys/girls/animals in a more productive fashion eventually.. i think they're great..
for this one, i'm using the excuse of being at home on a friday night in nyc..
These are very nice..!!
Thanks for sharing, Pete..!!
I have many more and can make them rather quickly if you have a request and I have the time.
...good idea,Pete!
---POSER4--->3DS--->3dMAX("optimize" function)--->3DSnew--->SKETCHUP
Poser 7 (I use either p2 or 4 models) --> .obj ---> Vizup ---> .obj reduced ---> Deep Exploration ---> Cleanup and conversion ---> .skp ---> SU Explode, size and mesh modifications and edits.
@solo said:
Biebel, I certainly can, however it will increase the size considerably.
He he ...I really don't mind.
Projecting images seems to increase realism a lot....
I can imagine you making a commercial package (if you can sort out the poser copyright thing...). A collection of say 100 people in .skp format that render photoreal ...I would buy . -
Nice results Pete. Sorry to rain on Biebel's parade, but a commercial package would be lagely out of the question. I briefly contemplated something similar about 4/5 years ago, before deciding that it was actually easier all round to build them from scratch. Here's one of the responses to the thread:-
D.M. Gorski
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 22:07:37 +0000 (UTC)
Local: Thurs, Sep 18 2003 10:07 pm
Subject: Re: Street LifeAlan,
Redistribution of Poser figures without permission, no matter what format, or how they are altered is an violation of Zygote/DAZ 3d & Curious Labs copyright.
If you wish to negotiate a license to use the figures in another application, feel free to contact us at sales@daz3d.com
D.M. Gorski
Copyright Enforcement Agent
DAZ 3d Productions Inc.
abuse@daz3d.comThe original post can be seen in context here.
I may have a solution for you on this issue.
Check your PM.
I never got a PM, Pete. Anyhow, I long abandoned the Poser route as a viable option even before I got that shot across the bows.
Think about it; you have plans for 100+ figures, many of which will share common elements...shirt, jacket, bare leg with sneaker, mens jeans, ladies jeans etc.
Do you a) produce a set of modules to make these from...almost like Lego figures...with some slight variations of pose...knee and elbow angles, for instance? (now much easier with FFD...thank you Chris)
or do you b) pose and polyreduce then painstakingly edit the same elements over and over again?...boring as hell.
No contest really.
There's an old but interesting discussion of the whole copyright thing here.
Many of the names are quite familiar.