Fill in the blank: The WORST software I ever used was
i have to agree with jon. design workshop was something i tried to learn but could not. the image of that damned cube of space remains with me still. they probabbly intended it to be like SUp but did not know how.
acad 12 was the reason i ended up switching to mac, way back in 1995!!! (which was, btw, quite an adventurous thing to do in brasil 13 yrs ago). after struggling for a year to get some profficiency at that crappy app i was introduced by a colleague to minicad 5. i went crazy for it and switched to mac as soon as i could. then the GUI difference was amazing and the graphic quality of the output of either one too. never regretted it: i am still using vectorworks, minicad's successor.
Office 2007 anybody?
It thinks it knows what I need always better than myself. I couldn't even get rid of those shiny menus. Well maybe I could've tweaked it but uninstalled it swiftly after about a week. -
Not joking
A Pinnacle external USB digital TV tuner had a terrible "media manager" that wanted to overtake my whole computer so I scrapped the whole thing. I would only have wanted to watch some TV occasionally... The software for an ATI All-in-Wonder card in my other computer comes second.
AutoCad 13 was the worst of all AutoCads.
Of all the time reporting, project management, billing etc. systems I have had to use at work over the years, I really cannot determine which has been the worst, but I really hate them all. Microsoft Office is nothing to them
I'm with Anssi on any Project Management/Billing software. Also Prime Medusa, AFCAD, Windows 3.1, Lotus Notes, Microstation, Excel (compared to 123), (and never liked Microsoft Office).
Office 2007.....I'm familiar with previous version, just bought 2007 for home, installed it, opened WORD, and "what the...!"
I think they are smoking something over there at Microsoft.
thats interesting, because i prefer office 2007 to the old version. I find it a lot easier to use and more intuitive, i suppose its down to what you've used before really.
Word 2007 is freaking me out- what was wrong with drop down menus? Now we have to choose which damn tab we want to work in at a time. I want to work in ALL of them, ALL the time. It looks way over designed (I still have XP running in Window's classic mode)- I don't care what a GUI looks like, my favourite programs are based purely on what they can do and and how easily I can make them do it.
The worst software I've used? Probably Maxwell- renders results are good, but the UI (which looks quite good) is so poorly thought out- you have to manage 4 different file types (SU export files, material files, render settings files and Maxwell's own HDRI file type), material editor is so complex it beggars belief... and it takes weeks to render an image on a single machine.
My problem with Office 2007 is the interface - it's alien to any previous version, and it's difficult to find things. Can't even find the HELP menu.
Another problem with MS Office (all versions) is the lack of documentation - you spend all that money, and they don't give you a manual so you know how to use it?!
@daniel said:
Can't even find the HELP menu.
LOL- I didn't want to admit that cos I thought it was just me who couldn't find it!Where the heck is it?!!
jackson and daniel, its in the top right hand corner, just below the red (close window) x. or you can press F1.
@remus said:
jackson and daniel, its in the top right hand corner, just below the red (close window) x. or you can press F1.
LOL, so it is!It's well hidden though.
I had to cry when Paul noted 'Prime Medusa'. I had almost forgotten about that torture! Now I fear the nightmares will return. Thanks Paul!
When Mike puts 'Windows' on his list, clearly he never faced software like Prime Medusa! Another nightmare I remember was trying to go through a tutorial on an early version of ARRIS a cad program. (It cost something like $15,000). The tutorial was several big binders and each page had just a few words on it. It would say things like "now type in the command line ">zbash.ff/flat//yes<" and press enter". Thousands of such criptic entries, page after page, was supposed to teach you something. There was no explanation at all and all the entries were without any context. You'd enter the command, proceed to the next page and enter its command and then eventually, after four or five such entries, you'd finally see some offset or something happen on the screen.
But at least Arris had a screen, the first 3d modelling program I used (same generation as Prime Medusa) had no screen. You entered all coordinates and commands using a lineprinter keyboard. You could then process your data and have the model generated and printed on a little thermal printer. A simple model would take several hours of entry and several hours to generate. The same thing in SketchUp would take two minutes.
So Windows should not be on this list.
Hands down... Vista.
Check out my blog. -
Thats kinda defeating the point now, as you are a Mac user thats anti PC / Microsoft by definition.
Trying to provoke a Mac vs PC debate?
@solo said:
Trying to provoke a Mac vs PC debate?
No. I'm just saying that I think it's so bad that it converted a former Mac hater/PC fanboy (me) into the exact opposite. I used Windows for 15+ years and disliked Macs all that time.
Now that's saying something about Windows. I feel like an idiot for not switching sooner.Mind you XP isn't as bad as Vista.
Windows Vista, which you need to de-vistaize in order to get something productive out of it... Im on a mac now, and like it, but as someone else said before, xp and win 2000 are not bad at all.
Office 2007, nuff said....
3DStudio Max, while powerful, i never liked the whole parametric thing...
Itunes on windows. On a mac is ok, but on a pc is slooooowwwww
Windows Media Player. You have to right click to find how to do something simple, actually anything...
Archicad on teamwork. While regular archicad is ok, the whole teamwork thing makes no sense...