Useful MAC Apps and Hardware [Ongoing Updates]
Messrs. Moderators, this topic should be a sticky I reckon!
Do anyone know a little prog which samples the program Icons on the desktop?
( Now I'm in the Mac family, too )Burkhard
Welcome to the club Burkhard. I'm not clear on what
you are looking for! You might find something here,
Thanks Mike. I am meaning an easy way to start my apps from the Desktop without folder structures. I have similar something for windows, where I can organize my apps and start quickly what I need ( without having the desktop blowup with copied Icons).
no need to do such a thing on a mac. if you just drag an application's icon to the dock it will be there for you all the time.
if you are not yet using the dock (a very handy system feature), have a look at it as it is very useful.
I understand what you are after now Burkhard. Yes, as Edson
says the Mac Dock is the most obvious way to do this but there
are quite a number of programs that also for customised (pullout)
docks, Dock Fun is one and it can be located here,, this company also produces Sticky Windows, I would be lost
without itMike
@mike lucey said:
.... my cure for RSI is a cigarette break
well, then what is your cure for the cigarette breaks...?
Thanks Mike,
that what I was looking for.
Anyone that is looking for a good 2D Drawing application that shakes hands
with SketchUp (via .skp import) might check out ViaCAD like SketchUp is some ways, a clean and uncluttered intreface and the
LogiCursor Thinks As You DrawSimple interface with LogiCursor
technology aids in visually anticipating your moves, partnering with you in
the design process.I purchased this program when I had the PC but had difficulty importing
a .skp file. I have again tried the Mac version and the .skp import worked
fine. I am now seeing if I can get a replacement Mac lisense!Mike
Thanks Mike for that link,
It seems that Viacad has some tools that I always wished for to have in Sketchup.
Did you see how easy it is to chamfer edges, bend a shape, move vertex points etc...?In that perspective it is ahead of Sketchup.
And a 2D function underneath, that's very cool.
I wonder how it would hold for architecture.
Can it do 2D double line polygons (walls) etc...? -
Hi kwistenbiebel, just a quick update on ViaCAD. I only sent
the request to them yesterday for the license change and I
have received a link to the new Mac license this morning.
That's what I call great serviceI'm not sure about the 'wall drawing function', I did not see
it there but will check it out. If its not there I imagine
ViaCAD might be coaxed into providing such a function.ViaCAD 2D/3D is approx $100 but there is a 2D version for under
$50! I did not see a download available for this however.Mike
PS: As Burkhard say below there is a double line tool here on
the pull-out menu / option. -
have a look at finderpop (, a very useful free little app that enhances your conetxtual menus and allows you to see your folder organization without having to go the finder. it does for nothing what Filegazer does for $20,00.
EDIT: URL fixed.
There is a wall line tool under lines in the rollover menue.
3D Toolbox Build your own 3D CAD software!
3D Toolbox | Build your own 3D CAD Software, custom application | Microspot Ltd.
Build your own application with this innovative idea. Simply choose from the selection of tools and you have your own custom product.
Hmmm ... I gotta look into ViaCAD. Wonder how well it'll get along with SU. Would be nice to use it for bevelling SU stuff.
$ 99 ain't expensive either.
Its a nice program and not expensive
Hi Guys,
I must really start updating this thread as I have learned
about a load of nifty Mac applications over the past months.Here is one that has just launched on the Apple site, 'Its
about time to learn to Switch to Mac'. The site blurb goes,"It's About Time to Learn the Switch to Mac" is the most innovative learning tool ever created for Switchers. It’s all about teaching you the Mac by connecting the dots to Windows equivalents. When the instructor, Saied, teaches you a lesson on the Mac, you can then instantly try it on the virtual Mac that is built into the learning tool - an interactive experience unique to “It’s About Time Products.” From using the basics in Finder, to keyboard shortcuts, to using many Mac applications - you’ll “learn the Switch to Mac” very quickly. We think people learn better by trying it out for themselves, not by reading a 300 page manual. We also teach you amazing Mac only features."
While I think the app is a very good idea as it at least saves
a potential Switcher a trip to an Apple Outlet it falls down
badly not offering a demo. It seems its a buy only option at
$25. Still maybe good value! I don't know as I've switched
If anyone gives it a go let us know about it please.Mike
FreeMind-SCF Thread (open source project) helps me a lot with storing some useful information.
Thanks Tomasz for adding that link. I have also been looking
for a Mind Mapping App that will help me keep my stuff organised.I have come across Personal Brain,
I have explored that app and feel I will get stuck into it when
I can spare a little time. It is really well thought out AND it
offers a free version also.Mike