Re: Some Funny Pics.
Thanks D12dozr, that vid and the rest she has Youtube finished my week off nicely!
she's charming, isn't she?
@d12dozr said:
she's charming, isn't she?
Yep, and the vids just prove what a nasty production format the X-Factor really is when it comes to real talent!
The summer after my sister graduated from college, she decided she would sleep as late as possible. Our mother was doing day care for a little girl and was irritated that my sister didn't get up as early as she would have liked. On the wall opposite the head of my sisters bed was one of those doorstops. Our mother would set the little girl to playing it until my sister finally got up.
Lovely. And finally we'd have an excuse for staring at those "aquaria"
They will go that far...
This could be true for our Summer, too. Although the weather is nice ATM, there's some rain almost every day.
Only one thing to do. In GE select home country, Control x, hover over warmer climate area not being used to its full potential, Control v. Go outside and check the weather.
@gaieus said:
there's some rain almost every day.
My theory is that it was a denial-of-service attack by the European Central Bank to increase productivity - their austerity measures know no bounds!I think we already had our summer in the UK a couple of weeks ago, had my shorts on for about five days, sweating like a pig in the office at work (air-con is also code 404 in UK offices!)...
...then we had an extra long bank holiday for the Queen's Jubilee, wa-hey four whole days off work - so naturally, autumn paid us a visit!