Re: Some Funny Pics.
[flash=580,480:ptrkoiuo][/flash:ptrkoiuo] -
Ohhh.... Dat feels so good.
her feet are on the wrong feet.
congrats Krisidious you got a sharp look,
fancy that! looking at it I still find hard to figure out the illusion -
Actually, I think it's just an optical illusion. At first glance, it looks like she has her legs crossed...but in fact she doesn't. If she did, one knee would be very much higher than the other. It's just a really weird pose. That bit of thigh belongs to the front (left) leg, not the other one. In La Pais, they have a photo of a member of staff posing the same way...she even has her knees at exactly the same height, so her legs clearly cannot be crossed.
Very forceful illusion though. -
It's an unfortunate coincidence that the shadow of her hand falls as it does.
Someone has messed on with the thigh and shadows around - they are not natural when zoomed in.
Where's the shadow from the hand on the right? Maybe it looked like a tarantula spider crawling out of her skirt so it was 'adjusted', giving an unexpected illusion of crossed legs and then feet on the wrong legs! -
People with more money that sense [or taste - note the building!] -
I've seen the video a few times Tig and if I'm not mistaken all 5 of the Lamborghinis are fake, if that's any conciliation... if not that's about $1 million worth of phallus extension.