Re: Some Funny Pics.
Well in that case I hope she fully recovers.
I guess if that is the business you're in you might as well do it with a touch of wit.
I wonder. . .do little kids grow up wanting to do this as a career?
father:*What do you want to be when you grow up son?
son:I want to haul off other people's fecal refuse!*
father:I'm so proud!
@unknownuser said:
I wonder. . .do little kids grow up wanting to do this as a career?
No, but they do grow up texting and playing console games all day, ignoring academics which qualifies them for such jobs.
or course you are right Pete. Bt sadly it seems that most kids are caught up in that. We will have a whole upcoming generation of Honey-dippers.
I weep for the future.
, that is good.
What can you do when some Dick has your car blocked
Did he use protection?
really changes the meaning of being rear-ended by some d*ck
useful device.
Actually, there are times I'd like to have one of those in the winter.
Scorched Earth policy
Those "weed torches" are incredibly useful, I've used them in construction and seen them used for home forge applications. I'd never use one to get rid of plant matter - unless you just like having the fire department visit you. Isn't there a video of some guy setting his house on fire with one of these? (a video search returns lots of fires caused by torches, just not the one I remember)
I had a hard time deciding where this should go; here or in the thread for fine design.... I chose here.
Yeah, better here.
I would take that down. Some SOB could turn you in for child pornography. The crazies could be watching. Note, not offensive to me, I am not complaining, however, the world is full of BS people with nothing better to do than start some kind of rucus.
Ken, it's a finger.
In fact it shows way less of anything than a standard Google image search for the words 'new born baby'
If anyone is that uptight and thinks it's offensive, let me know, and I'll post some breast feeding for you.