Re: Some Funny Pics.
"Q. What is a seizure?
A. A Roman Emperor. (Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit)"His or her parents should be proud; I know I would be.
Dale, I think some of these are from UK students
eg: Hands that judicious can be soft as your face. (OMG) may not know is a play on words from the slogan of a well-known washing-up liquid in the UK: sings "...hands that do dishes are as soft as your face, with mild green, Fairy Liquiiiiiid."
That reminds me:
A guy goes into a seafood restaurant and asks to see the dishes of the day. The waiter wheels over a trolley and the man examines the dishes.
"I'll have the little green squid with the hairy lip, please" says the man. "O.K." replies the waiter and calls out "Gervais!"
A little French chef appears with a large knife, the waiter instructs the chef to kill the little green squid with the hairy lip.
Gervais is just about to slice at the poor squid when he notices a tear running down its face. Gervais is touched, and admits that he hasn't the heart to kill the squid.
"Not to worry" says the waiter, and calls out "Hans!!" at which an enormous German bloke comes out of the kitchen. "Sir", says the waiter, "this is Hans, the dishwasher. Hans, kill that squid!"
The dishwasher wields a huge rolling pin and is just about to bludgeon the little green squid with the hairy lip when it cringes back and gives a little cry.
"I am sorry sir, I just cannot kill the squid" Hans admits, his lower lip trembling.
"Well sir," says the waiter, "it just goes to show, ahem...
"Hans who does dishes, can be soft as Gervais. With mild green, hairy lip squid!"
Although English isn't my native tongue, I could have done it better...
I think this decisively disproves the old adage... "There is no such thing as bad advertising"
i see absolootely nuthing rong with thatt.
what a hearthrob. I wonder how long it took to Photoshop in that putrid little Ovaltine Moustache.
More Google Street View Fails.
Ey I actually know a person that uses car tires as a tv-table... He has them lying down though... A bit safer... But the entire room smells like rubber - it's horrible. But he says he likes it....
SO wrong on so many levels, but also funny.
Gary Coleman's Monogrammed casket.
That tree is sch an obvious cut and paste.
Not much to add..