Re: Some Funny Pics.
Yup that's one cute looking car.
They say you can get 12 clowns in it but unfortunately an American won't fit.
I'm certainly glad the experts agree.
I swear some of them are blinking....
@tig said:
@gaieus said:
@olishea said:
remus that picture is so funny
Ditto (although it took me a while to "see" those invisible d*cks)
You really must get out more....
Actually, it took me a while too. Once I got it, it seems to me that the visual association would be more obvious/automatic to those who do not get out as much as they should, now that one does not have to go to theaters but can see it the privacy of one's own Internet connection.
eggy emotionals
By the way... the flowers are "Peonies", but now that your asking, long stem or short
Reading the news about the new volcanic eruption on Iceland I followed a link to a webcam feed:
This was good, Remus! I even realized some of my own (No, not the pedophile or the pervert...)
Amazing CG Fail!!