Re: Some Funny Pics.
Worlds most talented man.
I like the by line: "This guy can do everything better than you or anyone you know."The world's most talented man
This guy can do everything better than you or anyone you know. via
I've been on that rock. 1000 meters down! It's pretty bug - you could jump around pretty safely - but once your on that thing - you don't move!
@thomthom said:
I've been on that rock. 1000 meters down! It's pretty bug - you could jump around pretty safely - but once your on that thing - you don't move!
Why don't you tell me that befoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....
@pixero said:
Worlds most talented man.
I like the by line: "This guy can do everything better than you or anyone you know."The world's most talented man
This guy can do everything better than you or anyone you know. via
This is a bad site. Watching the video infected my computer with av.exe malware. Grrrrr!
@dave r said:
Thomas, have you been up to the Svolværgeita?
I saw it only from the safety of of the deck of MV Kong Harald.
No - but that looks even worse than Kjeragbolten! I went to Kjeragbolten when my family went for a trip to Prekestolen .
I had no problem viewing it!
If u still are anxious see it here
[flash=425,344:f3jrsbc2][/flash:f3jrsbc2] -
I like looking up at those sorts of things.
In an airplane, no problem. I just don't want to be standing on the edge of those places.
Amazing views in Norway, though. I want to return.
@ely862me said:
I had no problem viewing it!
If u still are anxious see it hereThanky Ely,
I tested the site with Google diagnostic and it came back clean. Could have been a coinsidence I guess, but it was immediately after viewing that video that I started to have the fake virus scan stuff start popping up, all my .exe files became disabled and my browsers stopped working...all the result of av.exe malware.
Site appears to be okay when diagnosed....hopefully it was related to something else. I apologize if it was a false alarm.
@ely862me said:
I've done that.
That's enough to drive you up a wall
He has watched too many Jackie Chan movies.