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Who's trick was it...
...to reverse the light and dark sliders for interiors? Help please!?! I'm having a senior moment, I guess, and really want to thank someone for such great advice.
Err! That would be me. (he said, modestly).
An early example: http://groups.google.com/group/Sketchup-Pro/browse_thread/thread/c753af13f4590750/55f17d9960482bce?lnk=gst&q=reverse+sliders#55f17d9960482bce
It's just thinking outside the box...you're a master at that yourself, Tom. -
Well then: Thank you Alan...you've made things possible I thought not possible (once again, I will add thankfully ;~)
great tip, alan. and thanks to have brought our attention to it again, tom.
What a great tip!!! Thanks Alan and thanks Tom for bringing it back up.