In Development: Subdivide and Smooth
I would love to be able to help beta test this if that is an option. Feel free to PM me if needed. Great work by the way!!!! I think I can speak for everyone when I say I am extremely excited to see this work.
Best regards,
Scott -
stands up
Pick me, pick me for beta testing... organic modeling is my only SU wish. (okay i have a list of wishes, but thats for later)
Whaat - seriously - this is my first peek into this thread.
Awesome! Got job!
I am a horrible modeller but I was able to do a half-decent model of a boat hull over my lunch break. Notice that vertex creasing has been implemented.
at your service, Whaatever you say!
i really think this project of this plugin is one of the most interesting one for sketchup (with soapskin maybe)
hanging on whaat this plugin is what sketchup really need today..
thank you whaat.. -
That is grate and genius idea to make such script!!! Is it ready now?
@whaat said:
I cannot yet give an estimated released date. However, I do hope that beta-testing can begin soon (within a few weeks)
Whaat, I wish grate success for your work!
An early version of the scrip is available at Smustard's. Correct me Whaat but as I remember you took over Rick's project and the link above points at the same - yet indeed early version - scrip.
@gaieus said:
An early version of the scrip is available at Smustard's. Correct me Whaat but as I remember you took over Rick's project and the link above points at the same - yet indeed early version - scrip.
No. the projects are completely independent. I was not aware that RickW ever released his script
IIRC it was released (on Smustard) quite recently.
Sorry Whaat - then I mixed up something. Maybe the FFD plugin was passed over by the original author on the fly?
why Rick, it's fascinating you didn't mention it... maybe you mentioned it very quietly?
I do see you mention that it's not yet finished...combine this with FFD and you can get some very cool forms very fast...
Huh ? Now I am confused....
Two subdivide and smooth plugins? -
indeed, i thikn the one thats currently available (courtesy of rickw) just applies an algorithm to a given shape.
Whaat's script looks as if its a lot more extensive, and also has a more intuitive interface.
This animated .gif, Whaat showed us a while ago, still amazes me.
Yes, Whaat's tool is much more sophisticated programming... but if you are looking for a quick subdivide and smooth tool while you're waiting for Whaat's lovely work to be finished, Rick's plugin does work for what it does! But, indeed, they are basically 2 completely different "animals".
I tried out Rick's script. Is it just me or is it real slow?! I tried it on the pillow example so I can compare with whaat's time; the first iteration took like 2.5 minutes, and the second iteration made sketchup go unresponsive for over 10 minutes till I had to terminate it.
Maybe it's my machine; I'm on a pentium 4 2.4 GHz processor with 512 Mb of RAM. I was wondering what machine you're on whaat?
My subdivide project started out last year (almost exactly - March 31) - see for the thread where I did a preview. Anyway, the script is unfinished, and is likely to stay that way. I don't need (or want) to try to compete with Whaat on this
Whaat's interface is significantly more advanced, and perhaps the internal workings are as well. It is what I imagined for my script, but did not have the time to do. I think Whaat's product, when released, will be a fantastic addition to SketchUp. I released mine very quietly (so as to not upstage Whaat's work) to provide a temporary solution for users who needed a subdivide script while they waited for Whaat to complete his impressive work.
My best wishes to Whaat for great success with this script! I'm waiting for it eagerly, as well!
As for speed, the first iteration on the pillow example took about 15 seconds. A second iteration (though unnecessary IMHO) took over 10 minutes due to the large number of faces. Hopefully, Whaat has some speed advantages to go with the jazzy interface
Yeah I know a second iteration wasn't necessary, I just wanted to test the performance of the script on a high-poly model.
The first one took you 15 seconds though??! My machine's gotta be real slow
. Gotta get me a new one!
Thanks for the quick reply Rick, and your script's great too man. All of them actually
And waiting for that amazing script of yours whaat!