Fun with Lego
The Brick Testament: the Crystal Cathedral: -
Neat stuff. I love that church interior. You do not see many large interiors like that in brick form.
My favorite is this one: -
Thanks monsterzero! -
Don't forget:
(dramatic pause)
Revenge of the Brick
posted by Lewis Wadsworth
That is really well done.
Here are some Escher Lego constructions. -
Like many, My facination with building and design definately was formed in my younger years. LEGO definately plaid a huge part in that. X-Mass & B-days were generally the day that I could count on a new cashe of LEGO to be added to my collection. My specialty was that I would in-crust my bedroom funiture entirely with LEGO. When I moved away from my parents I stored my collection in a typical house trash can/ dust bin. Lets say 50 lbs? Well years later My mom decided that all my prized toys inc. my LEGO would better be with my evil Auntie Ann. I call her ask her if I can get back my prized gems. She says NO. Judy (my mom) gave those to her and they are now her familyies prized possetions. I now have a big problem with Auntie Ann. She knows it and seems to not care. Because of this the straw that broke the camels back. I make no contact with her. In fact, my kids had never met her.
Years go by... A family re-union takes place. At the reunion she is as rude and arrogant as ever. Just a slimey cat like Bitch. The dinner table conversation is planned in that everyone is to have a question for a Family member What fun it started out to be. reminising. The Q's come around to me. My Q is naturally "Auntie Ann has my prised Lego collection. Does she enjoy it? And will I ever get it back So my kids can enjoy it as I did in my younger years?" Her Answer.... I don't think I have it any more. In fact it was sold at a Church sale the year before. An un-comfortable vibration is now sweeping the room.
My son 7 at the time asks his Q. In a typical 7 year old way. "Why does my dad ask me if I wiped my Auntie Ann after I go poo?" This is how we poddy traind him. "Did you wipe your Auntie Ann?" The table errupts with a buzz. JAck her husbund has a laughing attack that went on way too long Call it a sezure? They left before desert.
posted by J1mmy
Fun story Jimmy! Give up on the resentment though. Very Happy
When I was a kid I too had lots of lego. Being immature for my age, I probably played with it until I was 15 or 16. When I went off to university my mother gave it away. Like you, my reaction when I heard was a desperate "how could you?" --- I truly felt the inhumanity of such a thing.
I don't resent the person she gave it to. I resent my mother as is the proper thing to do. I must go and see my therapist now...
Regards, Ross
Ross Can you fwd me your tharipists name? All of mine obviously do not seem to be helping.
Jimmyposted by J1mmy
I still have all my old lego sets Mr. Green Me and my daughter play all the time.
Now I just wish like mad that I had my old Girder and Panel set!
@unknownuser said:
I still have all my old lego sets
Me and my daughter play all the time.
Passed mine on to my stepbrother, and he to younger cousins and so forth. My old bricks are probably still out there, ruining vacuum cleaners somewhere.
My Micronauts (who colonized my room throughout much of my youth) are still in my parent's attic though, awaiting my second childhood: for the evil Baron Karza ( ), who went to architecture school with me. He is currently sitting in my parlor on a copy of a Lebbeus Woods' Radical Reconstruction.
posted by Lewis Wadsworth