Sketchup Details
Really impressed with you guys at SketchUcation for stepping up and providing us with a platform to continue or conversations
Thought i would post up some of my private work as i've been going through my PC and achiving my older projects.
These images were completed last year for a client who wanted his companies standard details modelled in 3D. All work completed in Sketchup
Hope you like
I want my CD s to have this look. Very pro..
Beautiful. Any chance we could get a copy of your grass?
Very nice Andrew!! Really good use of textures/materials and that grass is very cool!
Nice job!
- CraigD
Big A... buddy... friend... pal... that is some sweet stuff there... excellent excellent details... fantastic.
Outrageously cool
you have broken architectural detailing convention. This is exactly what I've been talking about with my colluegues! This is the future - drawing/modeling information that doesn't require a 4 semester course in reading construction drawings!
Nice work
I've saved these to show my co-workers.The materials are fantastic. Where did you get them from? I definately would love to get a hold of them.
thanks for sharing your model and thoughts.
well done!
ypnos -
great work, andrew. I had a quick look at your site and was very impressed. I shall certainly be back and will point the link to my design students.
Amazing I love it!! I have done several similar details but you took it to the next level!! Two thumbs up.
I don't know what it is about detailed drawings like this, but I absolutely love them. I have been wanting to do some type of a detail drawing in sketchup like this for a while now. Well, I'm going to now, this has inspired me. Great work!
Big A would you mind posting the SU files for these details? I would love to sample the materials you used and see how you modelled these. Let us know!
Rob, I don't think he could seeing that he did it as a comission.
Ah thats a shame, I really love them!
ok challenge up!
make a slice section of a house or building and post here... viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1036
do you have anyone to share Kristoff ?
Hi Guys, thanks for the nice comments
Afraid I cannot post up the entire model as it was produced specifcally for a client. I have attached the grass below for those who wish to use it......a word or advice though, make sure it is the last thing you add to the model as it is VERY heavy, check out the file size!!! its probably not that useful for large scale modelling but helps to add an element of realism.
Thanks for that grass. Surely it is just to detail some small area but really nice.
Big A, Thanks for the grass
I took that grass and made a component out of it...
you can download it here...
preview of in use model
the actual SKP file
it's heavy... real heavy
insert into model... open component, hide the grass... copy...