How many people are from the old pro forum and who is new?
I am from the old Forum... same user name
me too
I am from the old forums, I'll be here, and I'll be in the new Google Groups too.
Cheers,- CraigD
This voteing will not show the real results,it is notregular.I say because we have option to put two answers so I voted for first one and I put vote like a joke ''what is forum'' and now I see that there is zero votes on that last answer.So why are some votes removed,who control them and who has right to remove my vote,my opinion even if it is a joke
Ivica, true Ron had some changes at the very beginning but it doesn't seem to have a "joke poll". Polls can have different settings - vote for more option / change your vote etc...
You have changed Your avatar and I
almost didnt recognise You.
The other one suited You much better.Mateo.
So what is point of voteing that is changeing.
@mateo soletic said:
You have changed Your avatar and I
almost didnt recognise You.
The other one suited You much better.But this is the "scene" I'm looking "into":
Way more enjoyable than my old avatar!
Ivica - sometimes opinions may change as other people's ideas influence them. Certainly this poll is about a fact ("where you came from") so there is no need to change your vote.
I'm from the old forum but name is the same.
From the old one I use Jimmy Mackel there where I had 498 posts all on the Corner bar.
old forum, same user name.
I am from the old SU Forums and use my own name.
From the old Forum... same user name
I became enthralled with this community as I read the enirety of the fourth longest thread on the old forum (246 Replies - Offence as a defensive strategy - a discussion surrounding the events in the middle east (Israel/Palestine) last fall) and then found out about this site through the old forum. Never got around to signing up there as I saw they were "lowering the boom" on that site. I'm "new".
From the old forum, same login name:
Boo - my wife's cat.
Fred - my cat
Lay - my last name
old forum, same name, but I was inactive there, just a lurker.
@unknownuser said:
From the old forum, same login name:
Boo - my wife's cat.
Fred - my cat
Lay - my last name
Thanks Eric - that's always puzzled me!
I had a friend tell his wife my middle name was Boofred. To this day she thinks my real name is Eric Boofred Lay
I'm from the old forum, but I was very new there when all of this came about and never posted. In fact I had only been using Sketchup-pro Ver.5 about a month when Ver.6 came out. I only used the free version for about two weeks before I figured I ought to support this software and company so though I am using "Pro", I am but a very new hand at this.
I have posted twice now, and feel like I should introduce myself. My name is Steve Mackelprang so now you understand why I go by rollin'. Actually rollin45, which is a screen name I have used for many years starting out on AOL when you paid by the minute once over a certain number of minutes per month.
I don't actually use Sketchup for "work", in that I'm a pipefitter/welder and have been for 30 some odd years. I do however enjoy building things and Sketchup is the best thing going for drawing my ideas prior to actually building them. I've tried any number of CAD programs, but it seems I can actually build something faster than I can draw it with the majority of them. Sketchup is a delight to use and I am learning a great deal from you folks. I thank you all for sharing your expertise so freely!!
I generally don't have a great deal to say as I find I learn a whole lot more when I'm listening than when I'm talking, but I may toss in my pennies worth on occasion if I think I can contribute.
I'll go sit in the corner now, but again thanks to all.
Yeah, same old same old