A fun little game.
Granted but it is sub-let by your boss.
I wish Tennessee had not lost to Alabama this past weekend.
Granted, Tennessee did win but you'll have to take my word on it. You and every other Tennessee fan missed the game.
I wish for a mild winter.
Granted but there will be many younglings that miss out on a decent amount of snow
I wish that my boss wouldn't take it apon herself to clear out job folders of files that she thinks aren't important, but happen to be PSDs for jepgs that need changing.
Granted, but now the job is left to the office tea boy (whatever that is) and he knows less then she does.
I wish the structural and electrical ARE exams were behind me.
Granted, they are, now turn around and take them.
I wish my wife were not so stressed out at her job.
Granted but now that she no longer is stressed out, she giggles with glee all the time and its driving you freak'n crazy!
I wish, I wish, I wish it was easier to think of wishes.
Granted, wishes are all you can think about. You are only able to think about what you want, you are unable to think about how to get there.
I wish I woke up refreshed in the morning.
Granted but now you're woken by the biggest bucket cold ice water every morning
I wish that I could watch the NFL game at Wembly this weekend.
Granted. But it's not the NFL your expecting. Have fun watching the National Forensic League debate (http://www.nflonline.org/Main/HomePage).
I wish I could cook better than I do
Granted but it is only gourmet cat food that you can cook better.
I wish my cat had not taken it upon himself to use my daughter's closet as a bathroom.
Granted but now it uses your car.
I wish I could live in some of my models.
Granted but you are 2D and not facing the camera.
I wish for no more mice to enter my garage as I am tired of discarding their dead bodies in the traps I set.
Granted but now your supper taste like your garage
I wish my oatmeal taste like gravy biscuts
Granted, but it taste like biscuit and gravy I make (and I cannot cook).
I wish the spiders infesting the outside of my home would leave!
Granted, now all the spiders have come inside to party!
I wish I was retired.
Granted. "Ross at work" has been retired, and replaced with "Ross at work II," which works twice as much for half the pay.
I wish I had Wonder Twin Powers
ACTIVATED, but you can only form the shape of an eraser.
I wish I had kept up my racquetball skills the past 10 years.
Granted, but there are no racquetball courts near you.
I wish I could wake up my mind today.
Granted but the only thing on your schedule today is re-reading this entire thread 45 times and watching Dumb and Dumber.
I wish I had a beer right now.
Granted, but your beer is only an American brew. (Ha,ha,ha -- Get it? You can't have a great Canadian or European beer, you poor sod, you have to drink American beer).
I wish I could buy Boo a great beer.