Winter Winter Go Away...
think ski!Xcountry, maybe?
On the contrary, no snow in Southern Finland, and temperatures of a couple of degrees C. And this used to be the coldest time of the year here.
I think Boulder, CO has some of your cold air Anssi. It was -5F (-20.5 C) last night and is only around 15F (-9.4 C) right now. Brrrrrr... It's ok, I slept under a warm dog though!
But, last weekend it was in the mid 50s and I got to ride my Super Motard both days!
We keep our snow in the's been a banner year for the ski resorts here in Colorado.
- CraigD
-7F here this morning, and it was 14 deg F an hour before dusk, I think tomorrow morning will be a good one to sleep in. I'm thinking of snow birding..
-7 F...that's about right! Where are you Hank?
- CraigD
Hmmm....I wish we had some snow here in UK.
Snow? What is snow? Did not see any this "winter" here in central germany... I have fading memories of childhood days with playing in the snow...
at the end of the mountains, right where it turns to desert.
@pmiller said:
Just the right amount of snow yesterday and I got to refill the birdfeeders just in time...the cardinals seemed to like it as well.[attachment=0:1hekimvd]<!-- ia0 -->cardinals.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1hekimvd]
Holy smokes Paul! You have a Cardinal infestation, practically!
That's an incredible scene! Thanks for sharing!
- CraigD
Just a nice balmy 28c here in Queensland, AU.
For the first time in a long time we are having a nice typical subtropical humid summer. For many summers its been to hot and to dry, maybe climate chance is going to work in our favor. I am just loving it at the moment.He Ross, I see you have switched to a Mac, congratulations in order, but what happened to your beloved Xara. I haven't looked at their site for ages. Do they have an Apple version now at last.
Filip K.