Matching a 2d image
Hi, I want to match a 2d image of a car with an existing 3D car model. My aim is to know from which orientation the 2d picture is taken, and what will be the snapshot from the 3D model matching the exact orientation. I am just a week in sketchup, can anyone please advise me how to get the thing done. Thanks in advance.
My question seems to me a bit ambiguous. Actually, I want to generate a 2D image (eg, .jpg) from any desired orientation/direction of the created 3D model. Is it possible with sketchup, if so, please let me know how. Thanks again.
just press "print screen" on your key board when you are satisfyed w/ your current view. then open the image editing software of your choice (ie photoshop, paint) and press "ctrl+v". the image will apear and you can save in whatever format you want.
btw, good luck with learning SU!!
Thanks Igor. It's really simple and useful.
Or you can use the export function and export in a larger resolution. This is a must if you plan to use it for large prints.