This forum changes...
My sympathies with you & the mods Coen...
@unknownuser said:
I just want everyone to be happy and to have the best forum experience possible.
That's called perfectionism.
We all know your intentions are good and we all appreciate the work you put into this.
But you can't serve 4371 masters (number of forum members) at the same time. -
Now,tuesday 8 april 08,13,22pm, for me, its much better.
Thanks Coen and moderators. -
Now, 14.15pm, same day, is not.
Better as it was at 13,22pm
Corner Bar down. -
For me, it's much better too.
Thanks Coen
Wolf -
Just leave it like it is now Coen.
It has structure and nice looking.Cheers.
@coen said:
That's exactly why these changes were made Fred, but we can't please all.
So please elaborate! Would you rather have kept the (over 70!) forums and subforums?I had no problem with the previous design...
All I'm saying is, that during the past couple of month, this forum have been moved, re-designed, re-organized etc... etc...
Please let things settle for a while... People need to adapt things, and although some might complain, others are quite pleased...@kwistenbiebel said:
That's called perfectionism.
We all know your intentions are good and we all appreciate the work you put into this.
But you can't serve 4371 masters (number of forum members) at the same time.Hear, hear..!!
(And in a couple of weeks, I assume that everything will get a new "makeover" again - or..??)
Its tune.
0.21 am wednesday 9 April
(dont touch it) -
TBH I too am sick of the constant changes in layout. Additionally I have administered many forums/discussion boards and I know its not that difficult a thing to maintain/modify so I don't see what all the fuss is about; If you are finding phpBB restrictive then I would suggest switching IPB which is a far superior software package.
Even with the new 'optimized' layout I don't see the point in having a languages section AND a local user meet section; surely this is pointless and should be a single sub forum as I believe it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that users wishing to meet up in country where english isn't the primary language, that they would post in their mother tongue anyway. I must admit that what I detest most about this latest rearrangement is that the galleries is now one big mess. Filtering the former SU forums arrangement into the previous SU and renders galleries was a step in the right direction but what we have now is a regression to a state of clutter. I gave a suggestion (which I note was not replied to by the admin/mod team!) that incorporated the galleries into the SU user groups which would allow everyone to know what they would find before clicking each thread. Instead we now have a situation where users almost have to inspect every thread to see if its part of the genre they like. I don't know about anyone else on this site but I get sick of looking at some of the content posted that simply doesn't appeal to me hence why I think that everyone should have the freedom of choice to view content of a subject matter that they specifically look for.
OK, as the person who probably kicked this one off, I would like to say I really like the simplified layout.
As the menu opens in the browser the options of where to go seem a lot more immediate and clearcut.
Change for the better is GOOD and rather than complaining
about it I think members should be THANKING Coen for the
many, many hours that he has put into this change.Now I'm finding it very annoying .... AND this is not my
style!Thanks Stu and others that have given the thumbs up.
Now lets drop it and be thankful that we have an Admin that
listens and does his best to provide what the majority
@mike lucey said:
Change for the better is GOOD and rather than complaining
about it I think members should be THANKING Coen for the
many, many hours that he has put into this change.Can't argue against that... I fully agree and support you here...
THANKS to Coen and the team for making this available for us..!!
I fully acknowledge that these changes are made for the better...@mike lucey said:
Now I'm finding it very annoying .... AND this is not my style!
I assume that the primary reason for all the changes we've seen lately, re-organizations etc. have been initiated because people have been complaining about the previous layouts, or..??
So... All of a sudden we're not allowed to express our opinion here, or what are you trying to say..??All I was trying to say when I started this thread was, that I'm starting to get slightly annoyed with the (what seemed to be) endless series of constant changes, re-designs etc...
But I assume that this was the last in the series of changes we will see for a while, and I'm pleased with the new design/layout...I just wanted to express that I'm not in favor of an endless series of constant changes...
@frederik said:
...I just wanted to express that I'm not in favor of an endless series of constant changes...
Neither are we, believe me, Kim.
I also have problems to decide whether to be more organised or simpler. It is seriously a hard thing to get a good balance. Believe me, we are really trying to find a final layout that pleases the majority and makes our own jobs easier as well. If (when) we seem to have found it, I1d like to retire from re-arranging things and only enjoy browsing reading posts and concentrating on my favourite subforums (like the Newbies or the gallery - now already in singular - for instance).
p.s. I don't think Mike meant that remark to be some personal attack though...
After the previous bunch of changes I found myself spending less time hanging out 'here'. It wasn't a conscious decision, it just worked out that way. I suppose it was getting a bit too compartmentalized for my laid back style. Coming back today and seeing these new changes has greeted me with very favorable first impressions. I see myself spending more time here - for me, at least, that is a good thing. Lots of great people participating - a wonderful thing.
Coen, thanks again to you and your dedicated team of moderators for all your hard work and your care and attention to these forums. You give this community a home.
Regards, Ross
Thanks Coen and the team! The change was a real improvement!
For those of us in the design profession or anyone who has prepared multiple version of something like a recipe for instance. Let's all recognize that sometimes we can put in too much salt or too much pepper etc. I think the forum was suffering from too many options. I applaud the forum creators for deciding to make a new more simplified user interface. In this world of instant gratification we can get caught up in expecting things to be perfect immediately. Let's give Coen the time he needs to refine the recipe and then be polite guests and eat our food when it's ready. Err maybe a few glasses of wine or bottle of beer might make us less impatient...hehe.
Hey Coen,
You know I was quite sceptical with all the recent changes.
But call me a convert as I like the current layout much more.Great Job!
I have been absent from these forums for a few weeks now. Upon returning today I immediately noticed the simplicity of the Board Index. This is wonderful improvement.
Kudos to Coen and all others responsible.