Construction Point at Origin can not be done > Why?
Anyone know why you can't add a construction point directly to the origin [0,0,0]?
You can create one and move it to the origin and [update]it will be visible as well[update], but not create one directly at the origin. None of the scripts that create cpoints seem to be able to do this either.
Just curious.
Huh! Bizarre...
...actually it is there, but 'invisible.' I generally use the 'point at center' plugin for circles. I created a circle centered at the origin, used the 'point at center' context menu command, then deleted the circle.
No guide point is visible, but if you select with the 'right-drag' select box, the 'entity info' box indicates a guide point is selected. Doing the exact same thing, just off center, creates and displays the guidepoint.
Turning off axis visibility makes no difference, so that's not the problem.
You can select and move the guidepoint, but it remains invisible!
To me, this behavior looks like a reportable bug...
Taff -
@taffgoch said:
Huh! Bizarre...
To me, this behavior looks like a reportable bug...
Taff -
It's been around that long? Geez, you'd think it would have been taken care of by now.
Does it behave this way only on one platform, or both PC and Mac? ("I'm a PC.")
@wo3dan said:
...Yes, right>left selection reveals these guidepoints in 'Entity Info' but left>left does NOT!...
I guess you was going to mean left>right with this latter one, Wodan.
Anyhow, for me left>right (yes, left>right) reveals the guide points in the entity info box (though does not highlight as a selection) but right>left selection does NOT.
Nice cattch, John!
But as I see you have already reported it... -
Hi folks.
I reported this a while ago (at least two years) when I discovered that a "Point at center" could not be placed for a circle (or polygon) centered at the origin.
I was told that it was logged as a problem.
I just checked and this problem is still present with the latest build (6.4.245 on Mac).
Just ideas.
@taffgoch said:
Huh! Bizarre...
...actually it is there, but 'invisible.' I generally use the 'point at center' plugin for circles. I created a circle centered at the origin, used the 'point at center' context menu command, then deleted the circle.
No guide point is visible, but if you select with the 'right-drag' select box, the 'entity info' box indicates a guide point is selected. Doing the exact same thing, just off center, creates and displays the guidepoint.
Turning off axis visibility makes no difference, so that's not the problem.
You can select and move the guidepoint, but it remains invisible!
To me, this behavior looks like a reportable bug...
TaffYes, left>right selection reveals these guidepoints in 'Entity Info' but right>left does NOT! (*)
Another thing is that they are actually there. Move them 50m from the origin and do a 'Zoom Extents'. You will zoom out in a way that these invisible points are on screen. I don't know how (in what way) they could contribute in causing the 'Clipping Plane' effect when they are far from the origin. You don't seem to be able to use them for snapping to.
My advice: don't create any guidepoints in the origin itself. (you can snap to [0,0,0] anyway)
Or maybe only with the 'Tape Measure' tool by draging from the origin (dashed line incuded)Wo3Dan
(*) thanks Gaieus / (right is where your thumb is left, right?