WIP dilema.
@solo said:
I am not learned in KT at this moment and wanted to know how easy would it be to set up just the interior with lights, textures and reflections in KT and make all work consols a component which can be instanced in the KT GUI?
That would definitely be possible...
After having applied materials you can group the models and then use the instancing to populate it...I would like to help you further, Pete, but please let me know where you're having difficulties and I will do my best to explain how to take it further...
Dr. Solo,
Jack bird lot of chairs there, your the big chair master.
You read my party in Big D action:
What about said poor boys?
Oh, yeah, I've rotated in your Dome, and pondered the underlying tracks...
Durant "find a thunder storm" Hapke
problem is that Tomasz has inexplicably removed 'export instances' from SU2KT before releasing it to the public.
I can export the model for you in about 12 secs or less with my beta version
Then they will all come into KT instanced already.
But you say SU has issues with the model? So this may be an issue...hi-poly chairs?
Anyway. to bring these into KT and instance them around in there:
1- you export the floor, the Table, one computer, and corresponding chair, positioned properly at said table in SU... export using SU2KT.
2- answer 'yes' when it asks if you want to open in Kerkythea
3- adjust materials on the objects as necessary.
4- as you have it made the way you want it, save each material to a "current library" (there are plenty of pre-made materials for download, find one that's closest and tweak as needed is the quickest approach). This is done from an individual material's editor dialog with this button... choosing 'current library'.
5- open the materials libraries dialog using Settings>Materials.
6- you will see your materials you were sending to 'current library' on the right side pane.
7- hit the save button and name the library
8- Now Group the objects you want grouped (make all the parts of the chair into a group), (all the parts of the computer a group), etc.
9- Now group the computer group and the chair group together... lets call that group 'Workstation'.
10- Now go to Tools>Instancing Brush
11- Now we just have to 'load' the brush with the workstation and paint it around the table...
11a - Select the group called 'Workstation' and
11b - click on the word/button that says "Instance".
11c - Now select ONLY your floor material and choose the word "Canvas".
11d - leave everything else default. Click 'Brush' and give the group of instances you are about to paint a name. As you click your mouse quickly once on the floor now a box will appear on the floor representing your workstation. (Hit "V" for "View" to change to solid view mode or back again to wireframe)
11e - to FINE-TUNE the placement of a particular instance, hold ALT and click on the middle of that instance box frame (try option on the Mac - you're a mac user, right Solo?) This can be touchy, as you must alt-click the geometry inside the instance box, even though you can't see it's there... so keep clicking if it doesn't 'grab' it right away.
11f - now you should see your object highlighted as a yellow wireframe and see a gizmo, to change gizmo modes, hit 'g' for 'gizmo'.move and rotate that baby right up to the table.
11g - place the other 3 or 4 instances around the table the same way.
11h - now GROUP ALL OF THOSE INSTANCES + THE TABLE TOGETHER... call it 'TableGroup' or whatever.
11i - now you can 'load' "Tablegroup" into the brush and paint that onto the canvas all over, and adjust each of them as well.... seems complicated when I write it out, easier to do than to type, IMHO.
Let me know if you have problems.
There's a very nice video tutorial on the finer intricacies of the instancing brush and all it's power here. You can also find the SU2KT video and Skippy tutorials here.
of course, Skindigo may indeed be a good way to go... I haven't tried it, but seems very nice!
Gee, Fletch, #11e
thanks! It was driving me nuts that I could not adjust instances within the instanced groups!
Pete, it seems that finally you should give a shot to Kerky
Thanks for the replies guys, and Fletch I appreciate your efforts in making this tutorial for me and many alike to learn from.
I certainly am running out of excuses to get going with KT, too bad that I need to learn a new program under these time constraint conditions.
As soon as I have all the modeling done on this scene and another that envolves using 180,000 LED lights I will give KT a try, unless the gods of SU can smile on me and give me high poly support.Thanks again.
now i dont know any of the mentioned renderers (i know..shame on me).. so disregard this if it doesnt work.. but since sketchup cannot handle the poly count, can you split it up into multiple models, export each and combine before rendering? i know i have to do this with maxwell on occasion and it works well...
(and no go with my hard drive, pete
sucks to be me)
180,000 lights are just insane in any rendrers, Pete! It would take forever to render I'm sure. Could you not create a plane above the ceiling that emits light and just perforate the ceiling with those 180,000 holes? That would be a much more reasonable model IMO.
Also note that - carrying Jason's idea on - that you can always merge parts of the model into your Kerky scene. If there is anything selected when you start the exporter, it will give an option to export only the selected part. Then when merging in KT, it will "paste it in place" so to say. So you may consider a really thoroughful workflow during modelling and assembly your model in Kerky only.
Sorry about the HD's Jason, I hope you get you rig sorted soon and it does not effect your work too bad.
I am building the scene in two models, 1) the architecture with textures, lights and all and 2) the work consols and all other components mapped to the precise locations.
fortunately I modled and compiled these scenes in groups and components so the physical MB sizes are not bad, nor is my rig taking much strain to orbit even with all textures and sadows on, so I may just give your suggestion a go when ready. -
Gaieus if the LED lights where only for cieling then I would use an LEM panel with a perforated clipmap to give the imppression of LED's,but these are lighting strips that are to be placed in wall paneling, cieling and floor.
I will think of something, rest assured a solution to all will be found in the next 48 hours ... or I am toast. -
I do remember a topic over the KT Forums which dealt with many many lights (or maybe it wasn't there?) I'll try to look it up for you - though the "real" KT Team members may link it quicker.
this sounds pretty cool....figure it out quick so we can see it
This is one thread I found about led lights. This is not the one I remembered though (maybe it was you or someone else explaining things at the Podium forums?)
is it possible to create an emitter from an image? if so, that would seem like the easiest way to represent the led's in my head...
(Sk)indigos proxy/instancing method is really piece of cake to use.
Render quality will also be top....the only trouble off course would be render time for such a interior scene... -
Any material (=image) can be an emitter in Kerky. Just because of triangulation, your real number of emitters can go through the roof (with your render time as well). That's why I suggested ONE emitting plane above a perforated ceiling - to fake it (but it's not going to be the case as I see).
@gaieus said:
Gee, Fletch, #11e
thanks! It was driving me nuts that I could not adjust instances within the instanced groups!
Pete, it seems that finally you should give a shot to Kerky
Hi Gaieus,
where in the world do you find time to actually build and render anything?! I thought you just read/reply to forums all dayYou must type even faster than me!
I mention step "11e" very clearly in the instancing brush video tutorial... you may have just missed it.
I found I watched the SketchUp video tutorials over and over and always learned something new every time... or rather, that the info finally 'sank into' my thick skull.
Hi Solo,
Come on over to the dark side, the KERKYSIDE
This is the link Gaieus was talking about regarding lighting in KT http://www.kerkythea.net/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1081&start=0&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=
Kind regards
Thanks y'all for your inputs, I seem to have one of the issues sorted out.
The high poly issue I had was solved by saving the architecture as a model and all inner components as a seperate model, then moving to my dual core rig (older machine) from my quad and open the first model and import the second one (all set up with lighting and reflections etc). Due to the fact that the first model had my views already mapped it was a simple hit render and hope for the best, no splats and render is already at 42% an hour so far. I assume that because the clock speed is slightly greater it may be ore stable in SU, however it has only 2gb ram as opposed to the 4 in the quad. The GPU is 2x geforce 6800's in sli as opposed to 2x 8800gtx's in quad, so I am guessing the single core slight advantage makes a huge diference. -
@fletch said:
...Hi Gaieus,
where in the world do you find time to actually build and render anything?! I thought you just read/reply to forums all dayYou must type even faster than me!
Well, if my boss new, I'd not even post anywhere...
@unknownuser said:
I mention step "11e" very clearly in the instancing brush video tutorial... you may have just missed it.
I found I watched the SketchUp video tutorials over and over and always learned something new every time... or rather, that the info finally 'sank into' my thick skull.
Yes I've seen the tutorial but must have missed this one. Thanks anyway - I'll watch it again.
@Solo: I hope it will come out OK. I can hardly wait till the end of the bid to see it; you have teased us enough!
of course, KT renders on all 4 threads... or 8, and also net-renders... so in future...