TIG: Default all Layers
TIG, thank you for that plugin. I hate to ask but is it possible to make it move all geometry to Layer 0 but leave the component or group association where it is? That's the sort of thing I was hoping for with my previous request.
thank you.
It Layer 'zeroes' ALL objects including group/compo contents.
So I understand what it is you want can I ask some questions...
A) You might have geometry - faces, edges, text etc that are 'loose' - i.e. not grouped or part of a component etc. They might be on non-0 layers...
B) You might have some groups in the model that are on 'special layers, but with their contents on non-0 layers. There might be compo-instances or other groups inside those groups, again some of these might be on non-0 OR special layers...
C) You might have component instances which have their definition made up of geometry, groups or other sub-components within them. All of these might also be on non-0 OR special layers...
When you run the 'default_layer_geometry.rb' do you want the type A) to all end up on Layer0, OR do you want type A) AND the geometry inside of B) BUT NOT the group itself on Layer0. AND finally the last permutation, do you want type A), B) and C) to end up with all loose and internal geometry on Layer0 BUT any groups and instances themselves to be left on whatever 'special' layer you might have put them on ?
Here's a new script called 'default_layer_geometry.rb' that just zeroes the geometry and leaves groups/instances alone...
Thank you TIG for bearing with me on this.
The following is from the SketchUp Support Center. It is the foundation of what I'm thinking about. Bolding is mine. Color is my addition
"First things first: by default, a SketchUp model has one layer, Layer 0 (zero), which is the base layer. You can't delete or rename Layer 0, and you should always draw your individual entities on Layer 0 and leave them there. Many beginners don't follow this advice which leads to problems. They have the wrong layers active when editing which results in a mess when they want to change the visibility of components in scenes by controlling which layers are turned on.
The main difference you'll notice is that entities associated with different layers in SketchUp still intersect each other. For this reason, it's almost always best to draw all your individual entities on Layer 0 and leave them there. Then, if you want to use layers to organize your model, you can turn individual entities into groups or components, and then associate different layers with those groups or components.
Optionally, you can make another layer active by clicking its option button. When you draw individual entities, they are always drawn on the active layer, so you should typically have Layer 0 selected, unless you need to hide it, in which case, you need to select a different layer.
Important note: Groups and components are also entities, and, just like with individual entities, you control their layer properties in the Entity Info dialog box. To try to keep things clear, this article refers to individual entities (things like edges and faces) versus groups and components. To try to make things even clearer, since groups and components behave the same with respect to layers, only groups are mentioned from now on in this article. Finally, the idea of drawing individual entities on Layer 0 and leaving them there is so important that this article doesn't even address the option of associating other layers with individual entities. If you want to experiment with that, you'll need to take along your own search and rescue team!
%(#FF0000)[So, considering the above and the importance the writers put on this, what I would like to be able to do is go through all the groups and component instances in a model and associate everything except the group/component definitions with Layer 0. I suppose screen text, leader text and dimensions would need an option to be exempt from having their associations reset.
Currently, the quickest way to restore geometry associations to Layer 0 is to delete the other layers and force all associations back to Layer 0. But then one would have to start over with creating the layers and associating the groups and components with them.
I'm looking for a way to correct the model without having to delete the layers and remake them. If you'd like I can make a simple example showing the sort of problem I want to fix.]
I hope that is unambiguos. I really am not trying to be vague about this. Perhaps, if someone else reading this would like to take a swing at explaining what I'm evidently doing a poor job of, please jump in.
Thank you again. I appreciate your help.
Try this http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?p=47033#p47033 - I think it does what you want...
That is absolutely perfect!
Thank you TIG. I'm very grateful for your help. Next time you come to Mnnesota, you should stop in. I'll buy you dinner.
Thank you TIG
This is very useful, TIG, thanks a lot!
Yes, many beginners screw up their models a lot of times by assigning all kinds of levels of geometry to different layers and at the end it's just a mess. This script will give a chance to clean up these models easily.Now finally I can revise some of my old models...
I can definitely use this! Thanks so much!