This could have been the future of sketchup?....
Ok....Sketchup as a Google earth tool....mmmm.
Actually, in the last three years I installed Google Earth three times and uninstalled it, some hours later, three times as well.
Sure, GE is fun as a play for some minutes...but after that I still can't find any real use for it.
Good though that it is more to you, Modelhead, and that it actually makes you some money. -
@unknownuser said:
think if they focus on two areas and forget about the 'advanced user' qualms (I mean how many people actually use SU for that high of a poly-count without having to switch to AutoCAD or Revit to produce some actual working drawings first?) they will have a winner
I imagine there is a significant proportion of SU pro users who are sole traders and small businesses. There is no Revit license in my office. Yes I do use CAD for working drawings but that's not the point. @Last marketed SU as an affordable simple tool for architectural work, Google are not honouring this. Not all architecture involves high poly models, but you can build big models with SU and the potential is there to improve upon this. I don't consider myself an advanced user, but I am a professional user, so I did the right thing and bought a pro license.@unknownuser said:
If the earth itself is one big round mesh with thousands of cells and each cell can be divided into cells and those cells again to a fine granularity then what a great collective relational database we have. So then it follows that we can place everything there and it will remain there in geographical context.
There was nothing altruistic about giving SU away for free. As the new SU slogan says "Model the world" and google expect volunteers to do this. But you only have to look at some of the lack lustre models in the 3d warehouse to see that the quality and accuracy of the virtual world that is being created is potentially not as good as the competition and has limited potential as an accurate design tool.
@unknownuser said:
Am I the only guy here that can see a use for a personal Google Earth Server??
No that sounds great.
@kwistenbiebel said:
Simplicity + good looking somewhat 'quirky' presentation?:
Ha ha awesome. But no I was referring to the 'sketchy' outputs that proved so popular there for a while...
I don't post very much on this forum, I was actually browsing around for a plugin. .. and I fell upon this thread. I am sad to be reading these posts because it tells me that I am not the only one who has not been thrilled to ride the Google "owner ship". I have been an SU user since V2 and have loved it. It got me 3D modeling and away from ACAD. I went to the BaseCamp in Boulder and was blown away by all the stuff they were proposing for future versions. Layout ( or Grizzly) as it was called--which I never use-- notwithstanding. that being said, Phat Walls, and other scripts were pretty exciting stuff. But the innovation and development just havent come around. I TEACH SU for cryin' out loud and my students like it cuz they are doing 3D for the first time and they love it, and it's free but . ..I love SU. I love Podium but my work now is pushing meto toward MAX and VRAY. I am hearing that PODIUM 2 will rival VRAY. is this true TBD? Solo? Biebel?
Thanks to all of you ruby dudes and innovators who have made SU So much fun.David
Google is interested in:
- a library of textures to make GE buildings more realistic, complex reflections, better engine than photomatch to enhace photos on SU faces of models
- improvements of sand box to model grounds more simply
- automatic creation of volumes starting from projected shadows out of aerial views
- encouraging everybody to model and put its own house on GE
Google does not care about:
- Layout
- creating more complex function than those existing
- SCF, and troublesome actual users
- getting money from selling SU soft
Advertising on a good spot is thousands times more interesting than complying to that turbulent minority gang of users.
Marc -
Tis true.
If @Last were getting this kind of flak on the old forums there would have had someone all over it and posting within hours...
@unknownuser said:
@unknownuser said:
But you only have to look at some of the lack lustre models in the 3d warehouse to see that the quality and accuracy of the virtual world that is being created is potentially not as good as the competition.
Jon..yes starting to clutter up but I am still finding some outstanding modeling and some very interesting techniques some of which I have never seen here at the forum.
Google Earth is just the public depository. Meaningful applications of SU/GE would have to happen on private Google Earth Servers.
Just like you tube, lots of crap, but every so often you find really good works. Personally, i really on professionally made models as opposed to the 3D warehouse.
Anyways, Fletch, could you give me an idea where to find that exporter, currently i can only export with .KMZ XD XD Yeah, i know charging people for exporting is cruel... but hey, it takes up my time to do this stuff!
Here you can find the Wavefront OBJ exporter ...
Fletch is in US and wont get online before later this afternoon Central European Time...) -
@frederik said:
Here you can find the Wavefront OBJ exporter ...
Fletch is in US and wont get online before later this afternoon Central European Time...)Thank you, though i had some weird results when importing to gmax. Oh well, its a start.
New Basecamp for all you dissentor SUers who can make it in the 'States in the new SketchUpdate?
Maybe people have been listening after all?
Get along and review please for those of us stuck on the edges of the world in the Pacific so we can put an end to the 'Death of SketchUp' discussion torture...
@-rich- said:
...we can put an end to the 'Death of SketchUp' discussion torture...
Great comment, perhaps people will appreciate more for what sketchup already is instead of thinking of what it "could be", SU7 will be out come out soon enough.
Link to Basecamp thread.