3D export problem
I have Pro6 (PC) installed on my desktop and this laptop. I have found that I cannot export 3D from this laptop. I did a repair and then subsequently a complete uninstall and reinstalled by downloading Pro6 again from the website. The same problem exists.
If I click on export 3d the window pops up but in the ‘file’ box there is no file type showing and no file types in the drop down box. If I click export I get a bugsplat.
Under the help menu and checking various exporters in plugins, it would appear that they are all there.
I can export 2D to Acad without any problems.
Anybody got any suggestions?
Hi Jeremy,
This is certainly some kind of a glitch. Even the free version has 3D export option (only kmz though) so there should be something at least.
I'll move this thread to the SU Bugs for now and try to draw some attention to it.
Sorry that I couldn't be of better help for now.
Thanks for your diligence Gaieus. Don't you do anything else?!
I've just come back from a longer walk in the woods. That was refreshing enough.
I'm just thinking of where I have read about a similar problem (although I think that was Mac and maybe not all the exporters just only 3DS was missing? Maybe Chuck...) Let me see.
Dammit!! 'Reload' won't work either.
Sorry to hear you are having problems Jeremy. Two things:
Can you submit the BugSplat crash again and put your full name in the "Name" field? Let me know when you have done that and I'll look at your BugSplat info to see if it gives us any clues about the nature of your crash.
Are you using the English version of SketchUp? I remember awhile ago there was a problem with 3d exporters and localized versions....
Best regards,
Just saw this. Using English. Will try to recreate Bugsplat over my evening drink!
I had the same problem couple of months ago. Below is the thread. Finally fixed it with repeat removals and installations. Never did figure out what happen. Hope you have better luck than me. However, have not had that problem since the re-install.
No it wasn't me.
I do vaguely remember someone losing the FBX exporter; I did a quick search but didn't get anything.