A Script to Control the Movement of Section Planes?
I was watching an inhouse presentation of some design concepts being proposed.
I had set up predefined sections for specific scenes as well as some scenes where the presenter could toggle on and off specific sections for any view. But, as always, discussions came up in which the current Section positions were not adequate.
Is there were a way to at least move a Scene's Section along its normal via the up-down cursor keys withOUT having to turn on Sections and use the move tool?. This could be very useful.
Some options for a more sophisticated script would be a persistent dialog in which:
a. the increment value could be modified (unless there could be a smooth continous movement via keeping the cursor key depressed)
b. specific Sections could be chosen and change which are active and which are not.
c. Section color and edge-thickness could be modified. -
@jclements said:
I was watching an inhouse presentation of some design concepts being proposed.
I had set up predefined sections for specific scenes as well as some scenes where the presenter could toggle on and off specific sections for any view. But, as always, discussions came up in which the current Section positions were not adequate.
Is there were a way to at least move a Scene's Section along its normal via the up-down cursor keys withOUT having to turn on Sections and use the move tool?. This could be very useful.
Some options for a more sophisticated script would be a persistent dialog in which:
a. the increment value could be modified (unless there could be a smooth continuous movement via keeping the cursor key depressed)
b. specific Sections could be chosen and change which are active and which are not.
c. Section colour and edge-thickness could be modified.Why not make several Scenes (Pages) with the most likely required/requested Section Planes at [incremented] different locations and just swap between the scene/pages by picking the tabs during your presentation - you can even rename the tabs with the section names - Front-Office, Front-Reception, Front-Core etc... Side-Stair, Side-Foyer etc... With smooth scene/page-transition settings you can get a good animated effect that's also impressive... You also can change the way any section cut edges appear (both colour and thickness) for any individual scene (set a style for each ?) - this can even be set to be different for every scene/page if required...
Surely you'd investigate your concepts with several section cuts before making it all public... so why not take a few minutes setting up most of the sections likely to be queried beforehand. Whether you move your sections-cuts manually or with some clever ruby-gizmo (which is probably quite possible by the way) then making up sections on the fly leaves you open to either showing things that you don't want someone to see (perhaps some yet unresolved or un-modelled bits) or even worse, that you weren't aware of (something that doesn't really work (yet!)) - either way it's potentially embarrassing and unprofessional... Take charge of any presentation and have only those sections you are happy to be seen available to you during the presentation... If someone asks for something else then either say you'll do it later and send it on, OR if you're confident do it on the fly but having confidence in what you know of your model...
We could make a ruby to do what you ask but why use it when you can mimic it with a bit of preparation...
I understand your response.
I already do make several scenes.
But with geometry relatively close to together (piping, pumps, valves, etc.), tight clearances(an area where section cuts are particularly useful), its configuration and with different presenters working on the same project and design elements changing at the last minute it can be a real challenge. Plus the fact that the presenters (often lead engineers) are usually VERY casual users of SU and don't use it at all in any depth.
The presentations are with a client (not the public or a broad audience) and deal mostley with discussions regarding preliminary design options. In the most simplistic situation ("John, I know your busy but I need this done in 15 minutes...."), 3 or 4 planes could be set up and the presenter could use the the tool to "pan" to specific areas that were not anticipated when the Scenes were established.
My thought was to provide them with an easy and flexible means of manipulating the model view in order to quickly respond to specific questions asked of them.
Regards, John
Well, I appreciate whatever you do find in your investigations.
It seems there is so much that can be done with SU/Ruby, but then othertimes SU/Ruby seems to have voids.
Regards, John
I'll look at the possibilities... I know that a selected SectionPlane can be moved using a transformation... a la Nudge.rb. BUT how we find which one is the active section cut and then move with the arrow keys needs investigation. Unfortunately the API on the SectionPlane is notoriously scant...
Watch this space...
I want and need this ruby......I wish I could just press a button and select the active section plane. As it is now I have multiple section planes close together on a large model large spatially that is and in order to move a section I must zoom out so far that it is impossible to distinguish which section plane I am selecting by it's corner nodes. very frustrationg
Still trying...