Using SketchUp as an art medium
ah so thats u Mr. Fred Bartels. i am a fan!
hope u dont mind me posting ur 3dWh gallery!!
a real pleasure to see ur works!! please do post more of ur art work here!! -
Wow, that's pretty cool
And yet another use for SU!
beautiful work! congratulations. it is amazing what one can do with SU.
Is there no end to what you can do in SU?
I'm especially impressed with the ones which you can orbit around and look at and through from many angles.
Thanks to all of you who provided positive feedback. It is very much appreciated.
Wow! That is really beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.
I agree, your work is fantastic. I found your work in the warehouse and after downloading a few of your files, was amazed at how you used difference materials and linework to produce the images you show. Very creative and imaginative...I am a definite fan of what you have done!
those are beautiful!
i can't imagine how the second one was done. the first one is easier to understand because of the shadows.
Thanks for your comment.
The easiest way to understand how the 2nd image was made is to take a look at the model.
I've placed a copy of it at the bottom of the following web page.
It's called
Incredible work Fred! You have some fans on the SketchUp team!
It's always amazing and very gratifying to see folks use the tool you work on to create incredible things outside of the intended use! I suppose that's one of my favorite aspects of SketchUp...that it is an extremely versatile tool. All you have to do is figure out creative ways to make it do what you want! The work on this forum is testament to the very creative SketchUp community!
Your work is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
- CraigD
thanks. wow! uff! what? how? it just leads to more questions.
so many materials. many organic shapes, and free flowing lines. they all come together harmoniously. now this is really getting me curious. and inspired.mark
A few months ago while beta testing the next podium upgrade I dabbled in some 'Art'(lack of better word), it was fun.
SU modelled, Podium rendered.
Doesn't this forum have that 'man bowing' smiley/icon that I can insert? I need it right here, right now!
Mr. Bartels, just awesome!!
Reminds me of some i've made